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Everything posted by ChupacabraIII

  1. 👐I👐don't👐want👐to👐cause👐a👐panic👐...👐
  2. you spent 20 dollars on something that works out of the box?
  3. Because he's one of the few people in Trump's cabinet that is 1) qualified for the job he has 2) Isn't a monumental moron 3) more likeable than the crybaby-in-chief
  4. Twinblade you are impossibly stupid and in way over your head here, just be glad you can vote because you know nothing about how voting works.
  5. I had a parts list picked out for jonny and then i hit "see new replies" and now its gone lmao I hbr
  6. Notice how he's always double posting talking to an invisible audience like he's in some sort of 90's sitcom. SHUT THE FUCK UP JERRY
  7. The Stupid Fucker really taking AMD at their word about the benchmarks
  8. Lakers win is more legitimate than the Dodgers. I know as a Giants fan I seem salty AF, but lets be real any team that won the W.S. will be looked back upon as winning a Drag race of a season instead of the usual marathon.
  9. Voted by mail a couple weeks back. Living in a blue state Living in GODlifornia
  10. Said the brainlet that supports Trump, a President that is severely in debt to more than one entity outside of the U.S.
  11. The best part of this, if it was true, was that the republicunts decimated the USPS to suppress voting and it has now backfired
  12. Am I the only one who finds it curious that even with AMD's own cherry picked take-with-a-grain-of-salt benchmarks, each card only trades blows with the card its supposed to be competing with? Remember Nvidia's benchmarks of the Ampere cards? The cards still turned out powerful but Nvidias benchmarks were indicative of the final product. If AMD's best showing is merely trading blows, then I'd be willing to be that the independent reviews will show Nvidia still comfortably ahead. With Nvidia's launch problems though, Big Navi may still prove a worthy, attainable alternate.
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