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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -zw-

  1. I think I change my sitting position like 20 times if I play a console game for a while
  2. was he pointing at her while fucking her on sunflowers as well? jk. Nice pics, your girl is a QT
  3. Jack off to who's titties? cause I think yours are bigger than hers
  4. like I said, it's most likely a self defense mechanism, secretly love the picture but put it down first before the sw trolls get the chance. What's your excuse for posting an unflattering picture of both you and the chick?
  5. wow, jealous and an asshole who little georgie sand in your vagina still there after that beach trip?
  6. you're just jealous he and his girl are better looking than you and your girl
  7. you're the least picked on person on this site. you could post a pic of you next to a donkey at a mexican show, and people would still say iwhi. that's why I support mal making fun of you, gotta bring you down to our level somehow
  8. pretty sure brownie only said that to outdo the trolls who like to bash other people on here. self deprecation sort of thing, put yourself down before others get a chance to. At least he has the balls to show pictures of her. I'm more concerned with the guy fuking pointing in the picture..... why do people insist on pointing at others in pictures. like wtf does it even mean?
  9. ^Wat Is that? Copying cooke edit: better pic :o shirtless alert nsfw too sexy
  10. find that shit on your own, wtf, I don't even live where you do, let alone know where that is. Do you put any effort or do you just ask people to do everything for you? -__-
  11. and people wonder why do I always delete any pics I post here
  12. I've joked before that he and I could be cousins back when he used to post and the green lasers are coming from kids who were pointing a laser pen at us
  13. nice shirt barto, more people should button their shirt the way they were created to, down to the top button
  14. the old zwarrior in me reeaaalllllyyy wants to make fun of this picture and how you guys are so fat you barely fit in the room, let alone actually having to squeeze in together to all fit the camera's frame. but that was the old me, the new me thinks its cute.
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