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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Risky

  1. wrong thread risky

    I'm always getting told off when I create my own threads so I decided to make it a whole lot easier and just post it here, directly.

    No. He's talking about the lmao hipster thread. :ben:

    If that's a joke, I don't get it. However I can assure you people are always telling me to post in this thread.

    This thread:


    I'll relocate before REDE becomes enraged and pounds his own ass with a sledgehammer.

  2. wrong thread risky

    I'm always getting told off when I create my own threads so I decided to make it a whole lot easier and just post it here, directly. No. He's talking about the lmao hipster thread. :ben: If that's a joke, I don't get it. However I can assure you people are always telling me to post in this thread.are you drunk or high right now?

    As a matter of fact, I'm sober..

    so you're just retarded then

    Depends on your definition of retarded.

  3. wrong thread risky

    I'm always getting told off when I create my own threads so I decided to make it a whole lot easier and just post it here, directly. No. He's talking about the lmao hipster thread. :ben: If that's a joke, I don't get it. However I can assure you people are always telling me to post in this thread.are you drunk or high right now?

    As a matter of fact, I'm sober..

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