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System Warrior
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Everything posted by -BAF-

  1. Rent GoW 3unless you want to plat it. Very fun but very short.
  2. Best action game this gen. Just a little disappointing and casualized compared to the first two GoW's. Since when was GoW hardcore? The combination of platforming, puzzles, and action made them much deeper than most action games The only other prominent action franchises i can think of are NG and DMC, and they both have far deeper combat systems afaik I think there should be more than a deep combat system. If its nothing but combat, it gets stale imo.
  3. Best action game this gen. Just a little disappointing and casualized compared to the first two GoW's. Since when was GoW hardcore? The combination of platforming, puzzles, and action made them much deeper than most action games
  4. Best action game this gen. Just a little disappointing and casualized compared to the first two GoW's.
  5. Still playing a lot of Gears 2 online. Really addicting once you get good at it.
  6. Uhhh, Gears 2. Gears 1 campaign was better.Nope. Gears 1 was just way ahead of anything else on the market at that time. Gears 2 didn't have the same wow factor ,but the campaign was bigger ,badder,and better. TCHBR Bigger badder better yet pretty much most review sites all shit'd on that game This thread isn't about review sites nor fanboyism, more game discussion Tell that to the guy who quoted Cliffy B followed by a TCHBR Or do you think the term Bigger badder better was something AVK made up? It's true though, the game was full of ownage Yes, one of the most fun campaigns this
  7. Uhhh, Gears 2. Gears 1 campaign was better.Nope. Gears 1 was just way ahead of anything else on the market at that time. Gears 2 didn't have the same wow factor ,but the campaign was bigger ,badder,and better. TCHBR Bigger badder better yet pretty much most review sites all shit'd on that game 93% at GR, same as Gears 1. Damn, they shit'd all over it.
  8. As a rule, I own at games. You'd probably get demolished.
  9. Just because I'm only able to check them hours after they're posted doesn't mean the ownage shouldn't continue So...TLHBR and TLWBR Taking the ownage like a man as always
  10. Just because I'm only able to check them hours after they're posted doesn't mean the ownage shouldn't continue
  11. I guess in this case that makes "owning" very suitable for DoWII.
  12. Almost no one uses Ninja though because they're all campers.
  13. heartbeat sensors are pussy shit Ummm, not when you use it how I use it. I'm always running around the map, and the HBS in my case eliminates the true pussy shit, which is kids waiting around every corner for me to pass them.
  14. Gears 2 and MW 2 The funniest thing is I get atleast one angry message per day complaining about me using a heartbeat sensor in MW 2 and the funny thing is it's always campers and HBS pretty much eliminates camping from being a problem.
  15. I seriously think REDE dislikes me IRL, which is sad. Always on my dick.
  16. Sure, I'll play it soon. But Cowking clearly hasn't played GoW 3, so I wanted to get that out of the way.
  17. 360 has by far the biggest amount of haters on here so it's basically hate by default. Keep telling yourself that, chump. Speak of the devil, one of the biggest haters right here. Lmao, I'm sorry that I don't praise all games on every console. I like lots of games on 360, as i do on ps3, and hate a lot on both. 360 is just better for trolling cause lemkids take it to heart. Realistically though, i can't think of a 360 exclusive i've enjoyed recently. Alan Wake was great for about 3 hours, then i said fuck it. Have you even played it? Probably only played the demo, knowing BAF.Says the guy wh
  18. 360 has by far the biggest amount of haters on here so it's basically hate by default. Keep telling yourself that, chump. Speak of the devil, one of the biggest haters right here. Lmao, I'm sorry that I don't praise all games on every console. I like lots of games on 360, as i do on ps3, and hate a lot on both. 360 is just better for trolling cause lemkids take it to heart. Realistically though, i can't think of a 360 exclusive i've enjoyed recently. Alan Wake was great for about 3 hours, then i said fuck it. Have you even played it? Probably only played the demo, knowing BAF.Says the guy wh
  19. 360 has by far the biggest amount of haters on here so it's basically hate by default. Keep telling yourself that, chump. Speak of the devil, one of the biggest haters right here.
  20. 360 has by far the biggest amount of haters on here so it's basically hate by default.
  21. After you spent all that time bashing it Nah I bashed Left 4 Dud, not Left 4 Dead 2 liar word, every non hermit here was bitching about l4d2 getting a 9 at GS.Lmao, after the hermits were the ones trying to boycott it.
  22. Which is the real RE4 of the gen: Alan Wake or RE5 Spoiler If you like my comedy preez rep begging for rep.
  23. That's really the only thing I enjoyed about Gears 2 was the co-op. 4 player co-op I think would be great You'd really enjoyed the MP too. As pathetic as it was to take over a year to fully fix it, it's fixed and really owns especially since they added social playlists. But yeah, I have 3 other friends that regularly play Gears with me and 4 player co-op will own.
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