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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Quad Damage

  1. 7 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Who are all the idiots buying all those Xbox Ones? Goddamn, I'm surprised it's actually selling so much.


    Lot of uninformed dumbasses out there. NA consumers are a bunch of retards.


    if you go to retail stores around the holidays, it really is like the old cliche where parents/relatives buy consoles knowing next to nothing about them, and worse, asking the sales people what they should buy. no coincidence that its the only time of the year xbox sells decently.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, bhytre said:

    It only took a 6-hour game to "save" a whole market of different VR headsets reaching up to $800(+required console/PC not included), after 2 years ... just shows you how valuable VR gaming is at the moment:tom: 


    it only took xbo 5 years and a $1000 tv... and the exclusive killer app is still nowhere in sight :tom: 

  3. 26 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    I particular enjoy how Lemmings claim this is gimmick gaming, discounting all the cool games that have since come out.





    especially when we’ve reached a point where psvr vs xbox exclusives is a legitimate debate. just compare to the top 5 xbox of 2018:


    Forza Horizon 4


    Sea of Thieves

    State of Decay 2

    Mission Impossible 4K Collection

  4. Despite a refined version of the HTC Vive and an entry-level standalone Oculus headset in the Oculus Go, PlayStation VR stole the show late in 2018. It might be bit surprising to think that as time marches on, the more primitive technology was home to the year's best VR games; PSVR still runs on PlayStation 4 hardware (Pro or otherwise), tracks players through the PlayStation Camera, and uses the unsophisticated Move controllers. But it's a testament to Sony's ability to secure exclusivity, establish a wider platform, and have developers deliver unique, compelling experiences. And if it wasn't for a handful of great games, 2018 would've been wholly underwhelming for VR.


    The 5 Best VR Games Of 2018


    Astro Bot: Rescue Mission

    Beat Saber


    Tetris Effect

    WipEout: Omega Collection




  5. whats more funny about his fake outrage is, even on sw, im not sure theres another poster that more consistently posts with the intellect, maturity, and sensitivity of a 12 year old on xbox live.




    faggots, trannies, lesbians, fat shaming, jews


    "but wont someone think of the children!"


    shut the fuck up malakaboom :tom: 



    • Haha 2
  6. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ps4-games-still-coming-from-microsofts-newly-acqui/1100-6463396/


    When pressed further to specify whether games like The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep and Wasteland 3--two titles the company's already confirmed are coming to consoles--will still make their way to PS4, Fargo reassures that they will. "I know we said it was coming to console, in which case there's an asterisk because we haven't thought about it much," he said. "If we've said it's specifically coming to PS4 then it's coming to PS4." And what about Wasteland 3? "That's coming to PS4. Absolutely."





    2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    We already know the numbers from last year, It's all NPD data, it's tracked. We know sales are up 18% YoY on that and revenue is up 96%.


    Those have numbers, this thread didn't, on purpose.


    literally not a single number in your OP, the article you linked, or the tweet the article is centered on, other than “3” ... as in 3 major platforms :sabu:

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