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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. how salty and stupid do you have to be to bitch about people talking about sales on literally the biggest sales day of the year? the metldown is even better than anticipated
  2. buy 3 xbox games for $39 or less https://www.amazon.com/gp/promotion/A5OFR3DEKNQ0T//ref=fst_h1_st_1
  3. i made a similar thread last year and the gamerankings screenshot is virtually identical
  4. so basically yeah you want everything found in an ms pr statement short of mau and global miles driven in forza, with bulletpoints that range from ambiguous to debatable to hollow to bullshit. the OP sets out to present an objective look at concrete numbers and results only. when you have to stop mid stream and qualify your rebuttal with "Yes a lot of this will bear fruit next-gen," youve lost the plot. this thread is asking for an evaluation of the current gen video game platform called the xbox one, the life of which comprises the past 5 years up to today. and youve
  5. so basically, youve adopted ms's philosphy on revealing sales numbers, for assigning xbox one a rating.
  6. how has it been negatively positioned and what factors have been disregarded? its not enough to simply say these things, you actually have to explain it.
  7. huh? this is about as an objective look at the numbers/data there is. perhaps youre looking for the microsoft pr spin that factors in mau and miles driven by all forza players?
  8. copy/paste takes so much effort and how does thread effort and thread creator factor into your xbox one rating? i noticed you didnt give one lol
  9. GameRankings: https://www.gamerankings.com/browse.html?site=xboxone&cat=0&year=0&numrev=0&sort=0&letter=&search= GameSpot: Forza Horizon 3 - 9 Forza Horizon 4 - 9 Forza Motorsport 5 - 9 Ori and the Blind Forest - 9 Titanfall - 9 - Cuphead - 8 Forza Horizon 2 - 8 Forza Motorsport 6 - 8 Forza Motorsport 7 - 8 Halo 5 - 8 Rare Replay - 8 Sunset Overdrive - 8 - D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die - 7 Dead Rising 3 - 7 Gears of War 4 - 7 Gears of War Ultimate Edition - 7 Ki
  10. i didnt realize theres a new spiderman movie releasing in december. the inevitable crossover boost should ensure spiderman ps4 continues to put up monster numbers not only in december but throughout the winter. dead lemmings
  11. at least xbox will rebound in november with fallout 76
  12. bhytre and jon trying to shift focus from xbox coming in last place during the month it released its only 2 games of the year , not working
  13. and ff4/6 werent on ct's level, so its really just 1 game. still cant believe its not on the snes classic
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