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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Quad Damage

  1. 1 hour ago, Ike said:

    Ryan Reynolds was the perfect casting. CGI could use some work. Looks a little too glossy. I'm excited.


    you cant be serious, its literally deadpools voice coming out of pikachus body.


    also the human protagonist is the high pitched scream guy from jurassic world fallen kingdom. terrible casting all around

  2. :lawl: this resetera thread was made today, 2 hours after i made this one 



    Is ANYONE enjoying RDR2 combat?

    Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Ukraine, Today at 3:02 PM.





    its all here, same as with every rockstar game after the honeymoon passes. 9 pages and counting of people trashing: the core gameplay (with or without auto-aim), the encounter design, the mission design, the enemy variety, and - just as i said all those years ago in the max payne 3 thread i linked - long ass write ups and youtube videos of how to adjust all the in-game control options and sliders for making the game play the least ass-iest. :rofl:

  3. 27 minutes ago, S#$@%^i said:


    Cows would be jizzing their panties if RDR2 was better on their systems.  :juggle: 


    28 minutes ago, S#$@%^i said:

    Just looking for an excuse to shit on the game because it's better on X.  If it were better on Sony's platform most of you wouldn't be making any complaints and praising the game to no end.  Welcome to SW.  lmao


    gta5 was best on ps3 and ps4 for years - still junk


  4. this looks a lot more faithful and well-done than the crash remakes. in those,  the artwork and even some animations and graphical effects looked downgraded because naughty dog was just that good. here they actually look upgraded









  5. 6 hours ago, Bodycount NS said:

    you realize I turned coats percisely because I can never see this happening ever again. Xflop ownership got so bad over the past few years that I was forced to reconsider Playstation as they:


    A) Didn't sell out their fans to the demonic PC horde when the going got tough


    B ) Didn't re-position their once military-shooter focused brand into a SJW console


    C) Didn't try to purge all white males from their games.


    D) Didn't stop producing games for 3 years


    E) Didn't abandon all Japanese support, the games I most prefer to play



    It's clear to see that the Xbox of the past two gens is dead. I owe this new regime nothing, they've repeatedly told me they don't want my money and as consumer i've chosen to take my talents across the street.


    Nintendo and Sony both offer what I want and MS doesn't, very simple. My loyalty lies with them until they prove they aren't making products aimed at me anymore as well.


    Playing Black Ops 4 on PS4  every night with at least 5 buddies at a time, too.  All the good times I missed on Xflop because I was too stubborn to turn coats all those years. Playing like a lonely PC gamer. :( Never again, next gen it's a PS5 only, no Xflop for me ever again.


    5 hours ago, Bodycount NS said:

    MS themselves have a crossed a point of no return this gen.


     it wasn't just a bad gen, it called the whole lineage of the brand into question.    After seeing how badly they've fumbled this generation, there's really no way to ever regain that consumer confidence back. No one will consider Xbox as a viable competitor to playstation after this, ever, ever again, myself included, and picking up a stable of leftover, garbage 5.0 developers isn't the way to go about it.


    MS is currently transitioning away from chasing the hardcore gaming market, they know it's Sony's from now on.  They're never going to retake it from Sony because they're not fucking trying and don't fucking want to anyway.


    Everything they've done was simply to tell their core consumer to fuck off and that they don't want or need us around any more. so as far as I'm concerned they can go fuck themselves.






  6. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game full of detail, an absurd amount of detail sometimes, and yet throughout the game, I didn’t find that same level of detail in its combat system.

    This is a problem I’ve found with many Rockstar games, most recently Grand Theft Auto 5, though “recently” there was a number of years ago. Firefights in that game were weirdly simplistic, the game using an almost absurd amount of auto-aim to kill off endless targets, and not only has that system not improved in Red Dead Redemption 2 all these years later, it’s almost actually worse.





    pretty crazy that rockstar gets a free pass for garbage gameplay for a decade now (gta4 = 2008), just because of the gee-whiz reaction to their open worlds.


    this is why ive sworn off all rockstar and bethesda games until they overhaul their engines/gameplay. passed on rdr1, skyrim, gta5, fo4, and now rdr2 and feel great about it :trump:

  7. 38 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Remember when PS4 wasn't supposed to get any games during Q4? Then we got DQXI, Spiderman, Astro Bot and Tetris Effect.


    Meanwhile Jonb is hyping more Forza DLC and has jack shit to hype until Q4 next-year. :mj:


    remember when jon said last week he doesnt have time/interest in 60 hour epics, only short games or games that can be played in short bursts?


    so basically nothing like tetris effect or ps4's extensive single player focused library :mj:

  8. 14 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    An additional 400 dollars for Tetris. LMFAO you fucking sheep :D


    this game doesnt require psvr so theres no additional anything,  fanboy dumbo.  :D


    thats just a bonus for us vr lords, on top of getting the next game from the creator of beloved dreamcast classics and lumines.



    you right now = ConcernedWarmAntbear-size_restricted.gif




  9. holy shit i had no idea this was directed by mizuguchi, or that he founded a new studio. according to wikipedia this is the game he always wanted to make but couldnt get the rights to tetris, so he made lumines instead.


    i thought this was gonna be a good but sorta flimsy spin on a classic like pacman dx, turns out its the music/puzzle game of the gen by the creator of dreamcast classics,  TLHBMFR :D

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