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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. shouldnt you be posting your wannabe sw meme about media bias
  2. looked fucking glorious. gameplay is clearly a mix of doom 3 and rage - 2007 being right in between both games. overall way more ambitious, fresh, and interesting, than the one note adhd faux nostalgia fest that theyre releasing now.
  3. it’s true, “LemmG’s” keep this board active Friday/Saturday nights
  4. my nintendo id is XxycantmetroidcrawlxX. i dont have a psn id, wiiu is more than enough to hold me over in '14
  5. duh real life third party releases dont appeal to me anymore, the only reason im playing the LEGO movie game on wiiu is for off-tvplay . you still havent explained why youre hating on my wiiu purchases though
  6. i'm playing 6.0, with some Cocoto Magic Circus 2 and LEGO movie video game here and there. should tide me over till Jett Tailfin in march.
  7. i suppose asking for any pics you have of this girl, even better pics of you with this girl, her fb, anything, would be pointless since this story is a production
  8. i got 30+ hrs out of just the base game by going for the platinum
  9. took you long enough CM but at least you fessed up imagine what your score would be if you hadnt hyped it for months and were completely objective instead
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