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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Quad Damage

  1. no bait/fanboy bs, xbox is dead. you can call the time of death 8-31-23 9AM.


    xbox was never going to catch playstation- idiots only realized this very recently like this year after phil’s concession speech - but starfield could’ve at least been like halo was during the ps2 generation. xbox was never going to win that gen either, but halo was a major feather in xbox’s cap that they built on for the future.


    you can pretend that there’s no difference in the real world between starfield’s reception (going down as more critics get review codes) and that of true home runs like the original halo back in the day, god of war, zelda, or elden ring, but you would know deep down you’d just be telling yourself that to help you sleep better at night.


    no instead xbox’s biggest game from its biggest developer/studio by far is .. on the level of fallout 4. a game no one cares or even thinks about today.

  2. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/bethesda-on-starfields-big-empty-planets-not-every-location-is-supposed-to-be-disney-world/1100-6517418/

    According to Bethesda's managing director Ashley Cheng, Starfield's more barren planets came about from the studio needing to walk a fine line between enjoyment and authenticity. Not every planet "is supposed to be Disney World," Cheng said to the New York Times. The other reason for some of the desolate worlds that you'll encounter is that it helps keep expectations in check, emphasizes the vastness of space, and is designed to make you feel small against this backdrop of the infinite expanse of space.

    "The point of the vastness of space is you should feel small. It should feel overwhelming," Cheng said. "Everyone's concerned that empty planets are going to be boring. But when the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored."



  3. On 2023-08-28 at 11:07 AM, JonDnD said:

    Sony 1p is the same shit. We already know what we are getting from them. They do one thing. How many 3rd person cinematic action games do you want?


    Here, have some more comic book games, right as everyone has been burned out on the last decade of comic book movies.


    Unless they take a different approach and start taking some risks, sony 1p is STALE. 

    meanwhile, starfield gets a 7/10 for literally being stale


    Starfield follows a very familiar formula without meaningfully engaging with its setting or the gameplay systems therein.

    next fresh feeling xbox first party game… forza 13

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