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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. i'm playing 6.0, with some Cocoto Magic Circus 2 and LEGO movie video game here and there. should tide me over till Jett Tailfin in march.
  2. i suppose asking for any pics you have of this girl, even better pics of you with this girl, her fb, anything, would be pointless since this story is a production
  3. i got 30+ hrs out of just the base game by going for the platinum
  4. took you long enough CM but at least you fessed up imagine what your score would be if you hadnt hyped it for months and were completely objective instead
  5. i tried playing xenogears this past winter and just stopped when after 25 hours not much was getting accomplished. apparently its semi-notorious for its slow 20hr start. i dont know why it never hit me that these are the same guys that made xenosaga but yeah story/dialogue segments were pretty long even by the genre's standards. i actually would have stayed with it because i already invested so much time into it, but i just decided to start playing some current gen games.
  6. Think Dark souls is just a more refined version. I do like some of the levels in DeSo but the world is so much cooler being connected. The upgrading and magic has all been streamlined, and the covenants really add some PvP variety. The world tendencies was cool in theory but it was too difficult to come back from the extremes. Trust me I know all about that :lol: Getting from Pure Black to Pure White took multiple playthroughs, but fuck was the feeling of accomplishment ever great. world tendencies arent difficult at all to swing nor do they take mult playthroughs.
  7. say what? if you find all the white symbols you unlock a white cloak, it gives you auto-regen for jumping
  8. By dressing like a clown? GTFO Lmao this grammar and your taste in games makes your sig very ironic. uh you use 'an' for a vowel sound not the letter, and i used the acronym, lol third world grammar
  9. the colors are still dreadful, lol its literally an sw.com outfit
  10. terrible couldnt you at least wear a jacket and tuck your shirt?
  11. invading black phantoms are always a lower soul level than you Doesn't really mean anything when they're powerful as fuck.if youre a higher level and youve distributed your stats correctly you should be just as powerful if not more so, plus you have the added benefit of more HP since youre in body form. you should very rarely be killed by an invading black phantom.He had tons of full moon herbs, i didn't want to waste mine, he had a weird setup dual wielding a straight sword and a knife that could give you the plague and shit. The battle lasted forever, he got in my back somehow and i di
  12. invading black phantoms are always a lower soul level than you Doesn't really mean anything when they're powerful as fuck.if youre a higher level and youve distributed your stats correctly you should be just as powerful if not more so, plus you have the added benefit of more HP since youre in body form. you should very rarely be killed by an invading black phantom.He had tons of full moon herbs, i didn't want to waste mine, he had a weird setup dual wielding a straight sword and a knife that could give you the plague and shit. The battle lasted forever, he got in my back somehow and i di
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