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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. an 8 from ign is the equivalent of 6-7 on other sites so that makes sense
  2. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/mission_impossible_dead_reckoning_part_one 96%
  3. these titles look like they were generated by AI atelier sophie: the alchemist of the mysterious book atelier firis: the alchemist & the mysterious journey atelier lydie & suelle: the alchemists and the mysterious paintings atelier lulua: the scion of arland atelier ryza: ever darkness & the secret hideout atelier ryza 2: lost legends & the secret fairy atelier sophie 2: the alchemist of the mysterious dream atelier ryza 3: alchemist of the end & the secret key atelier marie remake: the alchemist of salburg
  4. surprisingly manageable -trails 1-3 -zero, azure -cold steel 1-4, reverie if you can figure out the atelier series, that would be something
  5. "Why? The answer isn't glamorous, but rather wrapped up in the realities of game development. The project has seen roadblock after roadblock, with problems such as a fraught co-development partnership, a pandemic, technological challenges, an ongoing exodus of significant talent, and unclear direction from management keeping the game in development limbo. And while a new partnership with Crystal Dynamics appears to finally be bearing fruit, multiple sources who have worked on the game recently say that Perfect Dark is still "in the earliest stages" of development, estimating that it is still r
  6. the server isnt used to all 3 lemmings being logged in at the same time
  7. spot on. every year for at least the last 10 years (going back to the xbox one launch) playstation show bad, xbox show good and every year, well..
  8. acting like not being excited by xbox's re-heated flops every show is some contrarian opinion
  9. apollo justice collection, thats something i guess
  10. how is that a weird opinion? these have literally been at every xbox showcase for the last 4 years fable avowed sea of thieves ms flight sim hellblade 2 fallout 76 forza elder scrolls online
  11. this is spot on, since starield doesnt release for another 3 months. back to redfall and benedict fox till then
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