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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. the irony that the thing that blocked xbox was... THE CLOUD
  2. ghostz he came out of the lemming closet for the first time in 20 years, only for xsx to flop worse than xbox one
  3. 21 seconds taken from a 37 minute video that shows the remake has worse rain than the 18 year old original?
  4. to show all the ways in which the original is superior, including the atmosphere, artwork, cutscene direction, environments, music, sound design, writing, voice acting, and overall attention to detail. even the rain is somehow better in the original despite being 18 years old.
  5. aside from the og, these re remakes were a mistake
  6. where did I say kids were owned ? lmfao. I said it critics flopped it and they did. you said it would be a good movie and it isn’t. everything else you post is spin/cope
  7. this is a review thread. if what I and others are saying about the reviews, triggers you this hard, you go outside yes, you said it’s a good movie for all ages, and you were WRONG. 55% isn’t good.
  8. and? why should we treat movies any different than games? you can say the exact same thing about games. in reality, all that matters is audience reception and sales. and yet we still have review threads, post scores, and laugh when games flop. and anyone dc'ing with user reviews would be called out for the laughable/sad cope that it is. and no, you didnt just say "kids will love it." i dont think anyone would have disagreed that kids and nintendo man-children would like it - aka people with no standards. what you actually said is this would be a GOOD movie, for ALL ages
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