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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Quad Damage


    34 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    I cant imagine being a 40 year old that bases what he plays from obviously skewed opinions of others lol. Then again, ButtDamage hasnt spoke about playing any games. So i can see why he still has the mind of a 13 year old Sony fanboy. Bet he is willing to play Sony games that score a 7 tho....and just not talk about it LOL :bena:



    im more willing to play a non-indie ghetto 7 yes, since indie ghetto games have lower standards.


    with how hard you bashed rise of ronin for being a 7, and how hard youre defending eiyuden seven heroes, it seems like its YOU that needs to re-evaluate some things. :bena: 


  2. 12 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    Copium lol are you a 40 yr old Tweeter fanboy too ? 🤣 PS5 version being worse than Xbox but scoring higher shows the issue with sites like MC and GR. But to you, that is all that matters.

    You RUSHED in here MAD because its WORST on PS5. If its just some indie game you dont care about then why are you damage controlling the fuck out of it 😆


    youre a 50 year old defeining a 7.0 indie kickstarter flop with your life because you think it "owns" playstation 😂

  3. 1 minute ago, David P said:



    I don't need my opinions on games to be validated by the likes of the embarrassing fags working at IGN.


    You would stop yourself from playing low scoring games because you fear it might hurt your credibility somehow to have contradictory opinions to the ''gaming journalists'' aggregates? The same people who overrates TRASH and sleep on brilliant cult classics all the times. 


    Pretty sad that this is what dictates your choices in games. I'm sorry but I'm way passed that shit. I'll say what I think of the new Suikoden when I get my hands on it.


    idk wtf youre talking about with regards to "fear" or "cred" or any of that shit.


    with the exception of a select few, i dont enjoy indie ghetto games. and yeah ign is notorious for overrating games, so hearing that theres a new 7.0 indie kickstarter game doesnt move me in the slightest. thats literally a dime a dozen. and my past experiences is what primarily informs that preference.


    i could claim thats its "sad" that you have time to explore every 7.0 indie/vr game. thats a lot fo time not going into other hobbies or other life activities, but i dont actually give a shit, thats why i said you do you.

  4. 4 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    They will score the same at GS. And Ps5 version is STILL the worst. GS doesnt matter, DF wont matter. Speaking of BUTTHURT 😆 You run so fast you forgot MLB got a 7 and you defend the shit out of Ronin which also got a 7.0 🤣


    No new Sony 1p game this year got higher than a 7 😆 ButtDamage HBR :tom: I feel you taking SSs itt just in HOPES that the game gets patched on PS5 LMFAO now THATS butthurt LOL


    switch is the worst scoring version, xbox is the second worst scoring version. everything else you say is literally copium 😂


    why are you guys stlll clinging so hard to this broken buggy rushed 7.0 kickstarter idnie game lmfao. is it because its yet another "perfect for game pass game" or because of the thread backfire 🤣

  5. 18 minutes ago, David P said:

    So all indie games sucks by default? News to me. 


    What, you wouldn't play a 7/10 from IGN? Not to mention one that seem to have bugs at launch keeping it down? Sad. 


    with the exception of a few gems every now and then (hotline miami, cuphead), yes.


    a 7 from ign is like a 5-6, and thats by indie standards. if you have the time to play every 7.0 indie ghetto game, go nuts.

  6. 1 hour ago, JonDnD said:

    Im not sure why you think i care about any of this. I never played SOT outside of trying it and i always thought it sucked. And i couldnt care less about the miniscule difference between Xbox and PS when if i wanted to play it, i would play the massively superior PC version.


    Its funny watching you waste time everyday fighting a war only you guys care about. No wonder you created lemmings, you all have xbox brain damage 😆


    58 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Why would I care? I only ever played this game on PC.


    uh huh, sure.  just need ghostz to chime in now and say he's 100% sheep 🤣

    • dead 1
  7. 1 hour ago, JonDnD said:

    The Ps5 version sucks like Ps5 of course he hates it 😆


    in case reviews didnt clue you in, this a buggy unfinished pos on every platform. on meta rn, the ps5 version is currently the highest scoring version, while the xbox verion is sitting pretty at 72 🤣


  8. 13 minutes ago, JonDnD said:

    As you spend your mornings going thru my post history and come here daily to be mad at Xbox and only that :D


    Obsessed LMAO. 


    Funny thing is you all come in here rushing to defend 8.0 flop FF and not ONE of you besides MadatJonbese spoke about playing it NOT EVEN ONCE :sabu:



    :D dont get mad at me because of your dumbo post history and because of madmal airing you the FUCK out :rofl: 

    • Haha 1
  9. 16 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    He plays the Xbox games he talks about but he talks A LOT about games he doesn't play and literally chooses not to play games based on their system lol He has masssssive bias (hates 'Sony movie games' but loves Hellblade and hyped for HB2 is just the tiniest example). If Helldivers 2 was on Xbox he would be all over it but still wouldn't touch it on PC cause it's a Sony game lol Literally says things like bought Horizon but won't play it. It's laughably childish and peak fanboy which is why it is ironic when you make threads hating on fanboys (rightfully so) and he is there acting like he ain't one of them.  Then he gets destroyed over and over and starts talking about ppl's wives and social life and shit... a 40yr old on a system wars gaming forum...


    I mean a lot of that is part of what this place is (mocking certain games) but tbh for the multi decades I've been here I really did think 99% of ppl are just trolling. I know I was. :yeshrug:


    oh fuck :lul:


    RIP jon




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