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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. ps5 has more new next-gen only ms first party games than xbox
  2. microsofts first 10 ever and first GOTY candidate in years and its ps5 exclusive
  3. no joke btw, ms actually made a legit captain marvel xbox perfect for playing as another xbox superhero grace
  4. system wars was declared over in 2016 when ms announced play anywhere and that xbox would never have an exclusive ever again. as soon as ps5 got 1 AAAE (launch), it won the gen. but we decided to count xbox/pc games as exclusives (fauxclusives), partly out of pity, partly for our own amusement. the bulk of xbox fans knew this, and bowed out. the few remaining lemming stragglers (the dullards) took this friendly sympathetic gesture and deluded themselves into thinking this was back to being a real contest again.
  5. remember when you guys thought you’d be playing ff7 and shenmue 3 on Xbox rn
  6. this is pretty bad compared to the gba game imo
  7. thx for highlighting this was brought to playstation by the microsoft corporation
  8. 10 points below the original games. yeah theres more problems here than just the framerate
  9. you mean other than psychonauts 2? https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP6312-CUSA27145_00-PSYCHONAUTS2SIEA/
  10. youre clueless if you think crowdfunding covered the whole thing lol. this switched to ms backed during development, and is marketed and published by xbox.
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