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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. substatic is a dumbed down hermit thats been conditioned by the last decade of pc gaming to expect less.
  2. yeah this should still be good for the 3rd best rpg of 2020 behind playstation exclusives ff7, p5r, and demons souls.
  3. PC has 1 cutting-edge AAA exclusive showpiece in the last 13 years, and it requires a $1000 entry fee. PC has ZERO massively transformative multiplats today. pc pc numba 1 good day.
  4. just did the search the only cutting-edge AAA pc exclusive in the last 8 years is halflife alyx. and it requires a $1000 entry fee yeah thats muchhhhh better than getting multiple big budget AAA exclusives every year like consoles do now and like pc did 20 years ago. make no mistake: while pc gets the occasional cutting-edge AAA exclusive once every 13 years like halflife alyx, it gets absolutely NO massively transformative multiplats anymore. if anything, consoles have closed the gap more than ever now with decreased loading times.
  5. shut down my subjective statements/opinions with a curated list of games. actually back up your rebuttal. oh wait you cant. pc gets almost none of the cutting-edge AAA exclusives nor the transformative multiplats it used to. meanwhile consoles regularly get the latest and greatest graphical showpieces and to add insult to injury, multiplats are by and large designed/optimized for consoles too. you go ahead and actually post that pc AAA library that fucks up consoles when youre feeling confident. whats that? dont put it in parentheses
  6. "list all of the cutting-edge pc exclusives released since crysis 1 go if you respond with anything other than curated lists of games, you'll have conceded these points." as i thought. massively transformative MULTIPLATS as in pc versions were transformative compared to the console versions. so ill repeat list all of the massively transformative pc multiplats since the release of the xbox 360 go i value BOTH content and exclusive experiences - the ki
  7. list all of the cutting-edge pc exclusives released since crysis 1 go list all of the massively transformative pc multiplats since the release of the xbox 360 go if you respond with anything other than curated lists of games, you'll have conceded these points. ok ill just say sony. sony - since the middle to late ps3 era - produces more cutting edge AAA exclusives in an average year than pc has in over a decade. the latest greatest graphical showpiece video game is routinely the last sony game, not the last pc exclusive. happy?
  8. i care because exclusives justify buying the platform and pc basically gets neither cutting-edge AAA exclusives nor truly transformative multplats. i care because consoles produce more cutting edge AAA exclusives in an average year than pc has in a decade. i care because i want games that utilize the full power of their respective platform (beyond upres/boost mode). i care because i want to get what i pay for. should i go on ?
  9. 20 years ago I was playing deus ex, diablo 2, quake 3, and no one lives forever on pc today I can play a sharper version of dirt 5 lmao pc
  10. in all seriousness, posting on sw on thanksgiving wasnt the worst thing. you could have free time waiting for dinner or something and post - i personally didnt, but its theoretically possible for someone else. the real rape was that jon even THOUGHT - even for 1 second - about jerry on a major holiday and had to make a thread about it. like imagine someone living that rent-free in someone's head
  11. jon has 50k posts between 2 accounts, dont worry he puts more energy than anyone here on his e-grudges
  12. so i went through these lists and after taking out all the old flops/multiplats/mistakes, heres the xbox games left and their metacritic info: Bright Memory 1.0 | Score: 56 The Falconeer | Score: 65 Enlisted | Score: N/A
  13. better question: why the fuck would anyone list ark survival evolved
  14. FIFA 21 again, these lists dont even have the biggest multiplats in the fucking world right
  15. https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP4008-PPSA01364_00-WRC9SIEA00000000 this is just the letter w
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