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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. tried to tell lemij this guy was suspect. what a coincidence we get this FUD attempt the DAY AFTER halo gets delayed
  2. https://www.neogaf.com/threads/if-you-actually-care-about-xbox-you-need-to-be-hammering-them-hard-right-now.1560741 its over
  3. imagine what a disaster this has to be for ms to not deliver the "xbox launch with halo" scenario they desperately wanted and planned for years. even with all 15 ms first party studios crunching on it as we speak
  4. *capcom fighting games maybe. other fighting games were owning hard virtua fighter 4, soulcalibur 2, tekken 5, guilty gear x2 for example are better than anything he's ever produced
  5. legend is a stretch the games on which he's credited as producer are basically sf4 and a bunch of capcoms c/d-tier flops like chaos legion and capcom fighting jam. and lets face it sf4 is wack too.
  6. the one whose post i posted a screenshot of in this thread? that said it can be normal in multiplatform development for shit to be broken af - not booting past the title screen, running at 5fps, etc. thats why the dedicated thread for re8 was locked - literal FUD. and yeah the fr in the trailer is bad - no one's saying it isnt. just like no one is saying dusks info is wrong, where he goofed was his extrapolation that it would be indicative of the final product and the entire gen of multiplats. he's jumping the gun.
  7. he didnt say ps5 versions are struggling in performance. he said xbox has the advantage and seemed to really stress anecdotally so who knows how many he's talked to - could be as few as like 3 devs. in any case no ones really surprised if xbox has stronger hardware. also he initially said "re8 is the game im talking about" indicating that was primarily the source he was making claims from. he didnt bring up "other dev friends" until after it was pointed out he may have been jumping the gun with all his re8 talk. not a good look tbh.
  8. IGN also gave it a 6 https://www.ign.com/articles/grounded-early-access-review
  9. playstation and nintendo reached their final forms by focusing on one platform. maybe ms should do the same. makes you think
  10. summary: To show how big Revenue are, Q1 FY20 Revenue are higher than any quarter of Xbox (even Oct-Dec quarters)
  11. after the halo showcase, sony realized a ps5 response isnt necessary; ps4 will suffice.
  12. how is that NOT ownage after hyping FULL POWER for months/years? lmao at hyping old games with hdr
  13. so you havent had to charge it once this year? impressive.
  14. "best deal in gaming" laid up in bed with covid is a better deal
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