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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. switch's release date was what it was because when nintendo tried to bring a console to market earlier to compete with ps4, this happened
  2. so in the first 34 months: -PS4 was $400 for 23 months, $350 for 11 months -Switch was $300 for 31 months, $300/$200 for 3 months even then the ps4/switch lines on the graph look like a dna helix . congrats on passing xbox in humiliating fashion though. xbox one officially moving into third place is a momentous occasion that deserved its own thread. yall goofed there
  3. microsoft: "Hey, my dick is big!" *hides the dick when people look* sony: pulls out its big dick, says nothing
  4. where did i say ps4 wasnt declining? difference is ps4 is declining from a mountaintop, xbox is declining from a molehill.
  5. Nadella also revealed that “Xbox Game Pass subscribers more than doubled this quarter,” but Microsoft has still not revealed an exact number for its subscription service. as usual doesnt mean much without numbers, except that software may stay in free fall
  6. im looking at launch aligned years ps4 year 1 & 2 = $400 ps4 year 3 = $350; introduced $400 sku (pro) switch year 1 - 3 = $300 swtich year 3 = introduced $200 sku (lite)
  7. in 2018, ps4 was in its 5th year, with 75m sold. switch was in its 2nd year, with 17m sold. switch had no price drops because it was already $299 ps4 in its 2nd year was $399, it’s black friday price was $299 - the price you could get ps4 1 day out of the year was switch’s price all the time
  8. havent watched a second of this show, have a feeling its more overhyped disney trash
  9. ps4 was in its 6th year, with 90m sold; even then $199 is temporary and $299/$399 is regular ps4s temporary price is switch lites price all the time
  10. switch is $300 and the lite is $200 in its 3rd year ps4 was $350-400 in its 3rd year
  11. yeah breaking news, third party devs are making mostly cross gen games which is why its important that first party devs make next gen only games slow John strikes again
  12. i thought tom hardy turned in the best performance of those films.
  13. finally saw 1917 and liked it. but it is sorta like gravity and the revenant where its all about the audio-visual spectacle. like those films ill probably never re-watch it on a non-theatre screen. and generally it was not as inspired, memorable, or visually spectacular as the best moments in those films. having said that, its the best 2019 movie i saw. second best war film of recent times for me behind overlord.
  14. also loved the tomb raider reboot series and thinks plague tale is one of the best games of the gen. the same games over and over
  15. bashes death stranding and 3rd person cinematic games champions ""unique"" games and ninja theory games what a mess of contradictions jon is
  16. xsx launch will be fun. the first console in history with NO next gen games or exclusives from day 1
  17. 2 days after launch is too long. youll have had xb1 level games for 7 years ffs
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