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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. i said it was a critical and creative flop - which it is. i said the box office was on a decline - which it was. i never claimed you started sales talk, i said youre the only one currently pursuing sales talk - which you are. then you made a flawed analogy comparing AAAE review scores to sales and tried to pass the buck to gd because you were actually failing to finish it. bro what are you even arguing and why are you so mad that The Decline of Skywalker is massive critical and creative dud.
  2. edits out the text of my post where i said it was a critical flop and the box office declined only quotes news headline that also shows it declined
  3. sorry are you not the only one that is now pursuing box office talk in a review thread, days after it was dropped? dont pass the buck to gd now that you made a flawed analogy comparing aaa review scores to sales. and the first part of my first sentence replying to gd was clarifying that its a critical flop, which it is. then i added that the box office was on a decline, which it was. i never contested it would make money. again, this is a review thread and The Decline of Skywalker is a massive critical/creative flop. this is something youre going to have to come to term
  4. goukasan couldnt take the L about the reviews, so is trying to salvage something with [declining] sales.
  5. again, its a critical/creative flop. this is actually like coming into a review thread about a big budget hyped game that got a 5.0, and saying its killing it in the npd.
  6. a combination of inherent interest in the ip, holding out hope that jj abrams might someday re-capture his star trek 09 form, and to be in on the memes. im not far off from you though, mainline star wars and avengers movies are the only disney movies i still take a chance on - even though ive yet to be rewarded.
  7. where have i heard "xbox has so much variety, playstation only has uncharted" before? oh right
  8. i didnt post actual numbers bc i didnt see the need to get that in depth about something this thread isnt about. but if you want numbers, k opening weekends for each movie force awakens - $247,966,675 the last jedi - $220,009,584 rise of skywalker - $177,383,864 and again, this is a thread about how disney flopped creatively and critically. the decline in box office/interest is just a bonus
  9. i obv meant it flopped critically, but the box office is on a sharp decline as well.
  10. well just saw it i don’t know if it’s the worst of the trilogy, but it might’ve been the most boring and uninvolving installment.
  11. i mean indiana jones story aint great either. but like star wars, its more about characters, setting, and inspired pulpy thrills. thats why theyre legendary and why their legacy will continue to live on much longer and more favorably than disneys disposable star wars movies.
  12. sony published games on pro are still the best looking games in 2019. x was a mistake
  13. a new hope is held in high regard due to the characters, visuals, world, and for redefining blockbuster cinema.
  14. dude it already flopped, no point in dc'ing further.
  15. lets not get it twisted though, the original films were legit trailblazing classics, and the rise of skywalker is one of the worst received films in the franchise. if anything critics are too easy on star wars because of its iconic status and most grew up loving it. every star wars movie in the past 20 years is rated higher than it should be because it gives them nostalgic feels. its their mario.
  16. i wonder how deeno and jon would respond if randy said xsx is the best next gen hardware by a wide margin
  17. can you address the tweets instead of attacking the messenger ?
  18. yikes. philocchio getting called out by major figures in the industry. not a good look
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