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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. - View Distance: Low end CPU or 120 FPS recommended to drop setting for performance gains.- PS4 Pro: Slightly below high but above Medium.- XBX: Large grass is Medium, smaller grass is lower than Low. A lot of 'empty tufts' where grass should be.- PS4 Pro: Generally consistent at 1440p w/ a few 1080p counts showing dynamic. Drops are very rare.- Sky resolution is lower on the Pro which can cause some artifacts in the skybox.- XBX: Native 4K in empty scenes and lowest end 1512p, with most counts between these two.- Both Pro and X utilize UE4's temporal reconstruction but not that noticeable bec
  2. yeah 60s is good on metacritic, where the number denotes the average review score. it got a 54 there though. rotten tomatoes is just the percentage of critics that thought it was at least barely passable. so when 69% of critics gave this a 3/5, and the rest lower, it isnt pretty good, its pretty mediocre.
  3. who cares? you should - if youre still pining for that second and third part of this planned trilogy rofl only an xbox fan would consider scoring in the 60’s pretty good. also has a dismal 54 at metacritic https://www.metacritic.com/movie/terminator-dark-fate to answer your question, well theres a few reasons: 1) i dont have the memory of a fruit fly 2) we actually had an exchange on the topic 3) i, unlike you, dont average 900 posts per month (talk about psycho). im sure for you, all the failed predictions/ speculation you throw out
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2019/11/02/box-office-james-cameron-and-tim-millers-terminator-bombs-with-apocalyptic-11-million-friday/ to the surprise of absolutely no one but deeno. fitting that this and gears had a dlc/marketing deal
  5. pretty sure it already trashed the entire gears franchise this gen. hell, halo too LMAO Death Stranding - 9 . Halo 5 - 8 Gears 4 - 7 Gears 5 - 7 Gears of War Ultimate Edition - 7 Halo Master Chief Collection - 6 Halo Wars 2 - 6
  6. tell yourself what you have to if it helps you sleep better how’s that been working out the last 6 years
  7. retreating to neogaf putting ppl on ignore
  8. lemmings loved all the quirky japanese dreamcast games from back in the day... now they only like generic western cover shooters
  9. deeno peaced out and retreated to neogaf, arguing ign is the one true source for gaming critique
  10. deeno & jon entering every death stranding review thread
  11. this game was never meant for slobs that only want easily categorized, pre-packaged annual games.
  12. i dont even consider posters like mala or spicoli. they make deeno and jon look like mensa geniuses
  13. real talk, it didn’t even matter what scores this got. this was always destined to be a cult classic heiled for its audacity and weirdness, like some quirky 6.0 scoring dreamcast game people claim to love 20 years after the fact - including deeno who brandishes his boxed copy of seaman with the microphone with pride (but of course now only indulges in generic microsoft cover shooters ) the AAA score is just the icing on the cake.
  14. how do you fags not get tired of being wrong? going on 3 and 6 years respectively. go for 4 and 7 and tell us how tlou2 will suck next
  15. this game served more crow than any game in sw history another AAA banger
  16. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/disco-elysium-makes-its-way-to-consoles-next-year/1100-6471046/
  17. i copy-pasted gamespots headline https://www.gamespot.com/
  18. https://www.resetera.com/threads/sony-q2-fy2019-july-sept-results-ps4-2-8m-ltd-102-8m-ps4-now-2nd-best-selling-home-console-of-all-time.150101/ Top 5 of Best Selling Home Consoles of All Time : PS2 : > 155 million PS4 : 102.8 million PS1 : 102.49 million Wii : 101.63 million PS3 : 87.4 million Top 5 of Consoles with Highest Number of Software units sold : PS2 : 1.537 billion PS4 : > 1.067 billion PS3 : 999.4 million PS1 : 962 million DS : 948.66 million
  19. list the xbox AAs released the entire gen Forza Horizon 2 Forza Motorsport 6 Forza Motorsport 7 Halo 5 Sunset Overdrive switch 2019 matched xbox’s AA lifetime total
  20. X flopped so hard, deeno and jon literally couldnt sleep last night
  21. you still cant answer simple questions about the many failures of X; posting about racing games an shit now
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