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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. you seem very hurt that x continues to have worse performance than pro in huge multiplats in late 2019 same questions apply to you slow jon when you spent $500 on x in 2017, did you think: ..x would have better or worse performance than pro in the biggest multiplats of 2019 ? ..x would have to wait for patches to beat pro in the biggest multiplats of 2019 ? ..x would still have less aaa/exclusive graphical showpieces than pro by late 2019 ? if you and deeno cant give honest answers to these very simple questions.. t
  2. i cant ignore data that doesnt exist. until you can provide an account of those patches being re-tested, compared, and recorded, it is a literal non-starter. meanwhile you still dont get why x needing patches to beat pro in late 2019 is so embarrassing. answer these questions: 1) why isnt x delivering the best of everything (iq AND performance) in some of the biggest multiplats of 2019 like cod, out of the box ? 2) when you spent $500 on x in 2017, did you think it would have worse performance than pro in the biggest multiplats of late 2019 ? did
  3. i have concrete data from df, while you have patch notes out the wazoo. $500 well spent
  4. patch notes tell you the intended fix, not the resultant fix, idiot. now you just need to provide an account of a qualified person testing those patches, and provide an updated head to head comparison - for that game and every other one i listed. while youre at it, feel free to address the actual point of all of my posts: patches are beside the point though the point is: x isnt delivering the best of everything (iq AND performance) in some of the biggest multiplats of 2019 like cod, out of the box. any x owner who put down $500 in 201
  5. no receipts = tales from your ass, isnt rocket science either. because i know for a fact that lots of devs dont give a shit about post release support, and that patches can improve one thing while making another thing worse. hypothetical patches are beside the point though the point is: x isnt delivering the best of everything (iq AND performance) in some of the biggest multiplats of 2019 like cod, out of the box. any x owner who put down $500 in 2017 telling me they anticipated that to be the case or were content with that being the case, in 2017, is straig
  6. not sure what my purchases/threads have to do with x having the worst performance in the biggest games of the year. did you buy grid and yooka baby? lmao
  7. "probably" - sounds legit if you have to wait for patches to beat pro in late 2019, then x was a mistake.
  8. you spent $500 for an x in 2017, to wait for patches to beat ps4 pro in late 2019 multiplats
  9. x wins visuals + performance 50-60% of the time. its late 2019 and its still losing 1 of the 2 categories in the biggest multiplats of the year - borderlands, cod, dmc, outer worlds, sekiro, etc thats a hard fact youre gonna have to deal with hows grid and yooka baby? lmao
  10. lemmings sure love spending $500 for the worst performance in the biggest multiplats of the year LoL
  11. Resolution: - Xbox One: 1600x900 targed w/ dynamic scaling. Bottoms at 800x900 - Some volumetric elements operate at lower than native resolution - Base PS4: 1980x1080 w/ dynamic scaling. Bottoms to 960x1080 - Xbox One X: 3840x2160 w/ dynamic scaling. Bottoms at 1920x2160 - PS4 Pro: Only console which scales both x and y axis, tops at 3840x2160p - Temporal super sampling, filmic AA etc used to reach resolution on mid-gens. - While Xbox gains clarity but doesn't show a monumental leap in clarity because of the filmic AA solution. - "Frankly astonishing level of geometry ... 5X
  12. apparently the x version of outer worlds is busted too https://www.neogaf.com/threads/the-outer-worlds-xbox-one-x-versus-pc-this-is-disappointing.1508017/ anything you want to share w us deeno ?
  13. havent watched but i HIGHLY doubt its worse than hack snyder
  14. you ripped my shirt only flaw i would say is some of the fat could have been trimmed from the run time. re: the lighthouse. idk everyones mileage may vary. critics are loving it (90 RT) so i guess im in the minority. the black and white visuals and sound design are some of the most effective since david lynch's eraserhead and the elepant man - it is THE reason to see the movie if you see the movie, no question. one thing i forgot to mention though with regard to the sound is its nigh impossible at times to understand what characters are saying. accents + old dialect + mumbling =
  15. the lighthouse is a major disappointment. the audio-visual presentation is top notch; the atmosphere and setting suck you in from the start. there's an air of mystery and youre eager to know more, but there isnt more. theres no narrative, its basically a cabin fever story but the execution of the descent is lacking. if the shining is a 10/10 cabin fever movie, this is like a 5 or 6. i also thought the much-lauded performances were overacted. even a vet like dafoe is chewing the scenery. as for pattinson, his performance is all over the place and just awkward. feels like
  16. there is no wrench. my point is xbox one and its owners were given the shaft. there were 2 iterative gears sequels this gen, forza m and forza h on alternating years. there was ONE completely original halo game exclusive to xbox one. there absolutely should have/could have been another iterative halo sequel delivered on the same engine with the same dev cycle that 5 had - you know to fill out some semblance of respectable first party lineup in due time. instead, 343 took on the task (and got the green light from ms) of creating a new engine knowing full well it potentially woldnt be ready till
  17. it just so happens its not going to be ready for release till the next xbox.. like on launch day. what a coincidence
  18. I’m not sure why you think 343 undertaking a time consuming endeavor like creating a new engine they knew wouldnt be ready until the next xbox would invalidate my point that xbox one was relegated to afterthought.
  19. uh where did I say it was only on scarlet? I said xbox one owners have to WAIT an extra 1-2 years so scarlet can get a boost either way xbox owners keep getting the shaft at the tail end of the en while sony keeps delivering bangers.
  20. halo 4 - 2012 halo 5 - 2015 343's three year dev cycle obviously could have/should have produced a halo in 2018. 2019 at the latest if they wanted to take some extra time. but xbox one is a failed console, so instead the release is being held back to give a boost to their next console. xbox one is a lame duck console and xbox one owners are being given the shaft again, and dumbos are defending it again.
  21. and i can respectfully accept or decline on that re-release meanwhile you couldnt buy halo infinite in 2018 or 2019 because ms wants to respectfully hustle you for another $400-500 brick
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