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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. half the thread title is still correct. there’s no reason to doubt it, you can just safely dismiss it.
  2. Xbox has had nothing for over a decade - I can’t be any clearer.
  3. my mistake it’s been 12 years. Gears 3 released in 2011
  4. I mean ps always stays stocked with a variety of xcluded titles like octopath 2, mega man bn collection, tactics ogre reborn, and neon white this year. not that it needs it since ff16 is bigger than anything Xbox has since.. *checks notes* December 2021.. ps also isn’t the one that hasn’t had a big hit in 10+ years so I agree bro enouuggghhh
  5. can’t debate ms’s variety ? lmao. variety of flops maybe. big budget flops game pass flops gaas flops flops of the gen actually you’re right, this is ironclad.
  6. they withheld codes from outlets with actual standards like eurogamer and edge and prioritized generacion Xbox, somosxbox, and mondoxbox
  7. you play a ton of games - multiplats also on playstaion. and ms 1p games you convince yourself are good because they’re on Xbox, and gamepass games you convince yourself are good because they’re on games pass. Xbox hasn’t had Jack shit for 10 years and up next is.. wait for it.. another Forza. still not tired tho
  8. tired of ps and the 3rd spiderman game Xbox gets no big games for 10 years and the 14th Forza game, still not tired
  9. you live in a bubble where you think everyone is tired of playstaion malaxmas too
  10. I almost forgot how all the idiots thought Xbox won fake e3 because… starfield
  11. it’s Jeff grub the resident Xbox dude on the staff and he still couldn’t front and had to admiit sonys exclusives are objectively better
  12. no wonder they didn’t show even a single quest in their ‘deep dive.’ look at all these sandwiches tho
  13. o yea. thx for reminding us ps5 ended up with the best wrpg of the year after all.
  14. you lowballed it to be safe and it was still too high
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