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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. apparently it matters enough for df to conclude ps4 won. so yeah ill enjoy the big aaa games everyone actually wants to play best on ps4 xbox can have grid and yuka baybee
  2. nope, according to df, all those games run smoother on ps4. and uh kingdom hearts is a big budget aaa? certainly more than yuka lee loo
  3. lol big aaa's like kingdom hearts, dmc5, sekiro, borderlands 3 end up best on ps4 xbox gets grid and yooka lay lee
  4. nobodies on the internet dont know what suits employed at ms did for 20 YEARS, im convinced the ship be sinking
  5. sony exec leaves; deeno: "doomed!! doomed!!" 20 YEAR ms exec leaves; deeno: "real talk " "what he even do? "
  6. uh oh sounds like its time get very nervous about a possible internal struggle thats splitting xbox at the seams
  7. even better news for you then - the switch version is delayed even longer
  8. as usual, people are welcome to post the ones i missed and ill add.. that is, if anyone can think of any before the edit option expires
  9. notable exclusives RPG MMO - Guild Wars 2, Star Wars: TOR, WoW Classic Traditional - Pillars of Eternity 1-2 Strategy MOBA - Dota 2 Real-time - Starcraft 2 (WoL, HotS, LotV) Turn-based - Civilization 5, Total War: Shogun 2, Total War: Warhammer 1-2
  10. this is an insult to the saturn. that console had a decent number of legit classic exclusives.
  11. their character montages stay being terrible to this very day theyre seriously trying to claim batman because playstation has spiderman - but arkham knight is another non-x enhanced game so its still best on ps4
  12. in the hobo pass voucher section a fable game didnt even release for xbox one ffs
  13. you say that but i almost bought an xbox game today despite not owning one
  14. had some time to kill and with the xbox one section being 2/3 the size of the ps4/switch section, decided to check out whats good first thing that jumped out at me is the stack of unsold gears 5 (rivaled only by the stacks around the store of fallout 76 and rage 2) clearly that long term strategy deeno is always talking about is going to pick up any day now.. next thing that catches my eye is the dark souls trilogy steelbook - this has been sold out for months on ps4. ngl i was tempted to pick it up just because until i remembere
  15. all i heard for 5 years, is ps4 was only successful because ms fucked up. but when one of sonys suits leave, all i hear are uh ohs and concerns about how they they were the masterminds all along.
  16. yeah its just a skin. or we gonna pretend batman, riddick, and spiderman didnt pull in non-fans of the subject matter? characters and story have nothing to do with the gameplay part and youre supposedly all about that gameplay babay. supposedly spiderman takes gameplay influence from batman arkham (games you love) and is the best game ever made by the developer of the xbox one game you love. you would have strong interest if it was an xbox game. but fanboys gonna fanboy.
  17. bc its literally just a skin? do you need to enjoy the riddick movie to enjoy the riddic game? do you like playing as bulldyke kate? for someone who claims to be all about dat gameplay i would think you would focus on the mechanical similarities than just the skin. thats why games like batman and spiderman pull in even non superhero fans.
  18. jon loved insomniacs last game sunset overdrive and the batman arkham games has no interest in spiderman
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