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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. remedy needs to go back to dark noir stories centered on a hard boiled male protagonist
  2. im talking about vanquish for the same reason df talked about it and showed footage of it in their video. it’s another platinum game that was 30fps and was fine because it was designed for it.
  3. this isn’t leading news outlets because no one was killed. didn’t you watch nightcrawler?
  4. this pretty much confirmed what i said, they prioritized visuals over framerate. also the 30fps looks stable which makes it all a non-issue. its more stable than vanquish was on ps360, and even another platinum game that targeted 60.
  5. the precedent is whatever platinum says it is. just as bayonetta 1 targeted 60 and vanquish targeted 30 on the same platform, bayonetta 2 targeted 60 and astral chain targets 30 on the same platform. bayonetta 3 will target whichever they design the game for.
  6. neither here nor there. or did any of those generations feature exclusively 30 or exclusively 60 fps across all games?
  7. the point is theres a precedent for 30fps action games by platinum. damn youre slow.
  8. sjws are mad you kill black people called 'the animals'
  9. loses insomniac and remedy loses ori and ashen its like kicking mud in a bum’s face
  10. Ashen - 9 Forza Horizon 3 - 9 Forza Horizon 4 - 9 Forza Motorsport 5 - 9 Ori and the Blind Forest - 9 Titanfall 1 - 9
  11. looks like deeno was validated in his decision to gobble up quantum break but wait for $15 sale for control fanboys
  12. clicked thread looking for a link , statement from insomniac got lemming hopes and dreams instead
  13. game by xbox dev: day 1, love it xbox dev goes multiplat: will wait till $15 black friday sale, thats when i buy my games anyway
  14. is the 5 seconds of gameplay in that trailer the only sp campaign gameplay footage thats been revealed?
  15. now that you’re wrong (again), are you going to disappear from this thread like goukosan said you would?
  16. this is huge, ori and cuphead are literally the 2 best games on xbox Forza Horizon 3 - 9 Forza Horizon 4 - 9 Forza Motorsport 5 - 9 Ori and the Blind Forest - 9 . Cuphead - 8 Forza Horizon 2 - 8 Forza Motorsport 6 - 8 Forza Motorsport 7 - 8 Halo 5 - 8 Sunset Overdrive - 8 . D4 Dark Dreams Don't Die - 7 Dead Rising 3 - 7 Gears of War 4 - 7 Gears of War Ultimate Edition - 7 Killer Instinct - 7 . Below - 6 Halo Master Chief Collection - 6 Halo Wa
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