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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. cyberpunk - cant get hyped for this as much i try. writing, art, and gameplay all leave something to be desired. a cg trailer after a 45 minute gameplay demo last year is also suspect. and the keanu freakouts/memes are cringey af outer worlds - cant decide if this is the ugliest pretty game or prettiest ugly game, the art style is just something neither i nor the game itself can grab hold of. and the animations and jank on display here looks straight gamebryo. obsidians history with respect to gameplay and stability probably doesnt bode well. itll be interesting to see which game d
  2. look at me being perfectly consistent all these years later?
  3. oh we talking about beginning of the gen flip flopping now?
  4. i say i do and i do. theres the list, dispute it if you can. although i warn you, deeno's done the legwork, and the best he can come up with is "its arguable"
  5. we already know you think theyre arguable - you still dont get how that in itself is funny. i particularly enjoyed "its been updated since then, no idea if its different now" sounds legit
  6. i go by df, like most objective, rational people. you and deeno are the ones going by “I said so”
  7. you must have a short memory then ps4 ace combat 7 resident evil 2 kingdom hearts 3 anthem dead or alive 6 devil may cry 5 sekiro sonic team racing xbox metro division 2 dirt far cry new dawn trials mortal kombat 11 rage 2? its almost a perfect split of ps4 winning Japanese and xbox winning western trash (which do y’all prefer? lmao), save for anthem being best on ps4. we decided to take that xbox e3 press conf closer and supposed x showpiece just for laughs
  8. in 2019 it’s basically a 50% split but thx for the congrats lmao
  9. appeals to authority get you EVERYWHERE in sw. from review scores to gotys to digital foundry. you’re mad af xbox is losing in every conceivable category. the df verdict goes as hand-in-hand with the bulletpoints of a face-off as the review score goes with the content of a review. performance is simply far more impactful than iq at the respective top ends. again just because YOU arent as sensitive to xbox’s juddery shit, doesn’t change the reality’s of it.
  10. df are literally tech-savvy tech nerds thatve been doing these analysis' for years - not basic editors at game informer that think every game looks generally fine. this is the quintessential group with a nitpicky eagle eye that wants all the bells and whistles, everything turned up to max, and always has the best hardware. and theyre flat out saying pro is the best way to play these games even if in 1080p mode. THEY should be the group that is the LEAST accepting of 1080p but theyre not - think about how utterly irrelevant that often makes x's iq advantages in practice. the bottom line is at s
  11. sorry chief, just because youre desperate to justify your setup, doesnt change the juddery xbox versions or the objective df verdicts
  12. the fact that you're not sensitive to frame drops, or that you bought a 4k tv, doesnt change the x versions from being juddery shit.
  13. your first mistake is believing everything begins and ends with image quality, when it actually begins and ends with performance - because, you know, you actually play the games not just look at screenshots. thats why df has concluded pro, with an assist by its 1080p mode, their preferred way to play multiplats as much as they have this year. your second mistake is not realizing that if xbox one x was worth a shit, there wouldnt be any gray areas or constant push-pulls between visual and performances - it would just deliver the best of both and actually should be doing so by a cons
  14. the logic is you just proved aza's point - 8 arguable, 2 definitive wins by deeno math the objective verdict as delivered by df is the majority were best on pro or negligible.
  15. you just proved aza's case - he said wins and ties this year. even by your (biased) count, 6 are arguable and 2 are definitive wins. thats 8 of like 11 high profile multiplats released this year. 350
  16. ace combat 7, re2, kingdom hearts 3, anthem, doa6, dmc5, sekiro, and sonic racing = 3? lmao
  17. systemwars is dead bc there’s no war, sony obliterated the competition and i obliterated the lemming faction. this place will get going again when next gen consoles/games are announced.
  18. jamie lee curtis = butch casting choice what on earth is difficult to comprehend here ?
  19. also a word on avatar: i left out neyteri, because as cooke pointed out i also thought it was an exception, but the more i look at the navi, i see theres not a lot to differentiate the male/female forms. males are slightly thicker, mostly in the upper torso but otherwise both are the same height, have the same long hair, same skinny waist, girl has no tits. cameron got around having to butch up the girl by making his own androgynous species
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