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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. the logic is you just proved aza's point - 8 arguable, 2 definitive wins by deeno math the objective verdict as delivered by df is the majority were best on pro or negligible.
  2. you just proved aza's case - he said wins and ties this year. even by your (biased) count, 6 are arguable and 2 are definitive wins. thats 8 of like 11 high profile multiplats released this year. 350
  3. ace combat 7, re2, kingdom hearts 3, anthem, doa6, dmc5, sekiro, and sonic racing = 3? lmao
  4. systemwars is dead bc there’s no war, sony obliterated the competition and i obliterated the lemming faction. this place will get going again when next gen consoles/games are announced.
  5. jamie lee curtis = butch casting choice what on earth is difficult to comprehend here ?
  6. also a word on avatar: i left out neyteri, because as cooke pointed out i also thought it was an exception, but the more i look at the navi, i see theres not a lot to differentiate the male/female forms. males are slightly thicker, mostly in the upper torso but otherwise both are the same height, have the same long hair, same skinny waist, girl has no tits. cameron got around having to butch up the girl by making his own androgynous species
  7. not even sure why yall are denying this so hard. camerons penchant for masculine women is as iron clad as is penchant for action movies like even if you were still in denial before, how does this new terminator not clinch it? the main female character in this movie is one of the most androgynous looking females ive ever seen in a mainstream movie like this. i was legit blown away to find out that ive actually seen her before in the recently released blade runner 2049 where she played a hooker in blade runner: in real life:
  8. casting one of the most masculine/androgynous females in hollywood = ur case fell apart bro
  9. everything up until aeriths death is ambitious considering theyve showed nothing but the bombing run
  10. nah it bolsters my case that camerons female action leads are all largely cut from the same masculine/butch/dyke mold- putting lipstick on jamie lee curtis (one of the msot masculine/androgynous looking females in hollywood) doesnt change anything or you must be aroused by aza's tranny threads
  11. in her case, the butching up was her casting in the first place - was basically the closest you could get to hiring a guy that was still a woman... just like the main dyke in the dark fate trailer
  12. 50% doesnt mean 5.0/10, it means half of critics thought it was at least passable, half didnt. in any case, thinking negative fanboy word of mouth via social media, petitions etc negatively affected legitimate reviews is a REACH. the media hates and is downright HOSTILE to "toxic fandoms." all ive seen is the media straight up trash that remake petition and calling anyone that signs it a moron. if anything it makes them want to stick it to fanboys by giving better than expected reviews. look at ghostbusters 2016, captain marvel, last jedi, etc. all the negat
  13. if you cant tell jamie lee fucking curtis is masculine/androgynous looking no matter how she's dolled up, theres really no helping you in this area
  14. if dark fate bombs, theyll all be scrapped again
  15. RT is becoming a joke because of shills and agendas that BOOST scores/percentages aka false positives. consistent false negatives for whats otherwise been a media darling franchise? highly unlikely.
  16. maybe, my point is planning a trilogy before the eggs have hatched like they did with genisys is already an indication these fucks havent learned a damn thing
  17. best guesses are d&d wanted to get it over with so they could focus on their new star wars project(s). basically another case of disney not letting you have nice things.
  18. "online fandom" rottentomatoes scores last of the starks - 58% the bells - 48% the iron throne - 49% season 8 - 58%
  19. oh good lord, it really is genisys all over again https://www.theverge.com/2014/9/5/6112665/terminator-genisys-trilogy-release-dates-set-2017-and-2018
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