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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. and i already addressed this point. a character can "harden" and exhibit strength in any number of ways. for cameron its to look and/or act butch as hell, which is why the majrotiy of his action females leads are all cut from the same mold
  2. yeah i left out an exception - while im talking about the rule? you guys serioulsy gonna play dumb and act like the majority of his action female characters, including the most popular iconic ones, arent butch as hell? next yall are gonna tell me yall dont notice that most of camerons films are action movies with one liners
  3. hardened doesnt have to equate to butching up with a short haircut and muscles. im fine with sarah connor for this reason, not just because she kept her long hair (until this new one, surprise surprise) but she was preparing for war. and jamie lee curtis has long been recognized as a masculine/androgynous woman. but that is ALL beside the point. the point is cameron simply has a thing in masculine women. if you cant tell/admit that, youre the one that needs a help
  4. logan didnt invent tank tops, or any of the other individual aspects/visuals cues i mentioned. its the combination of all the above that evokes a movie released in close proximity. hollywood is a copycat industry and this is an ip that STRUGGLING to find a workable premise. and the music is literally the most transparent aspect. its being almost unanimously criticized for not fitting the tone/on-acreen action as well as say some of the iconic terminator themes. but they to get those logan vibes
  5. from aliens ripley, to t2 sarach connor, to jamie lee curtis in true lies, cameron is obsessed with dyking up all his action females
  6. a masculine super-powered hero in a white tank top protecting a small latina child plot in a pick-up truck, in the desert, in the future. throw in obligatory old legacy heroes with a beard. even the trailer music selection is another slowed down "quiet desperation" cover song. the logan songs called "Hurt"; the termiantor songs called "Hunter" - come the fuck on
  7. its like they tried to recreate the logan trailer but failed in every aspect
  8. except none were the #1 seed last year and then upgraded to kawhi.
  9. every team in the east got kawhi leonard?
  10. if the raptors cant make the finals after lebron leaving the east and replacing derozan with kawai, its time to contract the franchise
  11. tbf thats just scratching the surface of the towns and isnt displaying interiors for all those structures. then all of the towns are just like 50-60% of environmental assets, because then you have dungeons. it probably is close to impossible to recreate those environments in full 3d with the kind of fidelity people expect. looking at re2make and this trailer, they still dont match the prerendered backgrounds imo.
  12. first 2 hours were boring af last hour is fun but eh
  13. bloodlines is the genesis game breh, and the other snes castlevania is just a shitty version of rondo, so this collection is already winning (assuming the port quality is good).
  14. one of the biggest flops of all time looks like a positive compared to its current gen library.
  15. yeah not much to get excited about there. flashes of the same bland new characters that we hardly know and more desperate nostalgia bait (lando wearing the same shirt from 40 years ago! palpatine is back! wreckage from a - wait for it... death star! this trilogy is the epitome of creatively bankruptcy
  16. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-12/star-wars-movies-will-take-a-break-after-episode-ix-disney-says "Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger said he’s not at all concerned that consumers may be overexposed to the Star Wars brand, but the film franchise will go on “hiatus” after December’s big release. “We have not announced any specific plans for movies thereafter,” Iger said in a Bloomberg Television interview Thursday. “There are movies in development, but we have not announced them.” The upcoming film, which doesn’t yet have a title, is the ninth in the so
  17. if you read my post, youd know that i said scar was one of the few characters they showed speaking. pumba is another one of the few, although it didnt really count as words. so yeah by and large that trailer is edited to hide characters speaking, watch it again and youll notice it. i can see why, as it looks flat/emotionless. and scar IS terrible - to the point that he looks/sounds nigh unrecognizable. the rest isnt much better, just a visual/auditory downgrade across the board. this is ugly as fuck
  18. uh did you read my post? I said they showed scar and he sounds fucking TERRIBLE who are you kidding
  19. looks awful, the realism they went for destroyed the color palette and the expressiveness of the characters. also seems edited to hide the characters when they’re actually speaking, so every line is a voiceover with an unrelated character/scene. one of the few times they showed an animal speaking was scar, who looked and especially sounded terrible. holy shit what a downgrade
  20. remember when lemmings thought xbox won last years e3 showing all those same games plus gears tactics and gears pop?
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