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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. -Frame rate gap between 4K modes on Pro and X is much closer but Pro is still a touch smoother than X -Pro's 1080p mode is effectively locked through out. Performance dips from 4K mode are gone. -Pro @ 1080p "only console model where I (Rich) wasn't bothered by hiccups" -"It's the best way to play Anthem on consoles"
  2. Visuals: - Base PS4 presents more smoothly than the demo. - PS4 Pro: 1080p mode and 4K mode still present. 30 FPS cap enforced on all versions (including base). No more unlocked frame rate. - HDR support has been restored. - Dynamic res confirmed across all consoles. (including base PS4) - Can vary from 80% to full buffer (whether it's 1080p on base PS4 or 4K on mid-gens). PS4 Pro likely relying on checker board rendering. - CB rendering commended as 'outstanding' with CB evidence only visible upon zooming in. - Texture quality is a match, however in some instance X shows higher
  3. how would it go down if someone said they didnt want their event to be overly female? or "i dont need a 40yo black dude to tell me what he thought of a judd apatow movie. it wasnt made for him. i wan to know what it meant for stoners, straight males, white males, and white males who are stoners."
  4. “About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male. So, I spoke to Dr Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of colour, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, the
  5. graphics and even sound effects are like an upgraded 3ds game. the artists and engineers at gamefreaks are simply hacks
  6. 5tate of decay, below, halo master chief collection
  7. i dont expect it to to a junk food gamer.
  8. only in the same sense that quality food is worse value than mcdonalds.
  9. critics were basically strong-armed, even petrified, to give it anything less than a positive review. oscars same thing, they didnt want that backlash especially with #oscarssowhite being a constant criticism. everyone i think it knows its probably the most transparently unworthy nominated film since avatar, except avatar wasnt about inclusion, that was just because cameron is part of the rich old white dude fraternity. as someone thats followed rottentomatoes closely for years, the agendas/bias/politics/shilling by critics/journalists is at an all time high. movies like black pan
  10. great news, the xbox butt buddies at ea and bethesda really took it on the chin with this and fallout 76
  11. lemmings really trying to say theyre cool with ms holding back halo to be a launch title? no surprise though, anyone thats stuck around this far is a backbone-less dumbo shill of the highest order. ms literally cant do anything they wouldnt like
  12. [x1 launch]-----4 years-----[1x launch]-----3 years-----[next xbox launch] with the last 2 years being gears 5 and crackdown
  13. xbox one and wiiu (thanks to ports on switch) were completely skippable.
  14. deeno when bad xbox news rumored: “just a rumor who cares you guys are dumb just a rumor “ deeno when timed dlc xbox rumored: ”bodycounthbr :mj:” “yo @remj we winning “
  15. xbox one had e3/marketing for the first two cods this gen, ghosts and advanced warfare
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