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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. its easy to have this attitude if you dont partake/dont have access to the true gems of the medium like sony 1st party titles and various Japanese xcluded titles. if the only games i played were those on ea/hobo pass, i wouldnt collect games either, because i cant become attached to games that are literally disposable junk.
  2. better than the original is crazy. the og is a visionary piece of work. nothing like it had ever been put to screen before while 2049 just iterates on the past. it doesnt help that we had just seen 2 years prior a star wars movie where harrison ford was an absentee father again - its the most bog standard plot hollywood has. on that topic of fan service, trotting out cg recreations of old characters, and literal video/audio clips from the old movie is perhaps the most inelegant way to do so, putting it firmly in the category of disney star wars sequel-boot.
  3. then ill sum up -hackneyed uninspired plot that lifts ideas from movies that were themselves inspired by the original blade runner. the original was a trailblazer; 2049 is me too garbage -dreadful hamfisted dialogue and clunky overbearing exposition. -gosling is miscast. hologram girl is awful, basically existing to explain plot beats to the audience. leto and the resting bitch face girl are AWFUL villains compared to rutger hauer. -awful fan service and callbacks from bringing back old, depressed ford, uncanny valley cg rachel, and utterly point
  4. its quite easy to do https://youtu.be/ES6jTsZ4NQs it basically got nothing right - plot, writing, characters, casting, production design, aesthetic, tone, music..
  5. aliens, t2, and fury road shit all over those. br2049 was hackneyed/uninspired in basically every way and falls under sequels that are a disgrace compared to the original. dredd is just average.
  6. valve doesn’t make games, that’s why turtle rock split long ago
  7. the key to a lib’s heart is his favorite marvel movie
  8. imagine going all in on a 4k set up this gen
  9. The game has two modes: 'Graphics mode' and 'perfomance mode'. Graphics mode: -XBX native 4K at 35-40 fps. "Remarkably jerky; not recommended" -Pro 1080p at 60fps, with improved AA and shading. -Base PS4 1080p, drops into the 40's. -Base XB1 1080p, drops below 30fps. "Rather awful" Performance mode: -XBX 1080p at 60fps (4K HUD) -Pro 1080p at 60fps -Base PS4 900p, fr drops during cinematic attacks (doesnt affect gameplay) -Base XB1 dynamic res 720p-900p, "mostly 60fps" but can drop "like a stone" in some arenas
  10. the take: 6:13-19:03 the summary: - They are critical of people attaching social justice concerns to a massive corporate film. Both those on Youtube who make dozens of videos shitting on the film or Larson and those who feel like the movie is important. - Mention the charity thing that gave tickets to underprivileged kids to go see the movie as an example of faux wokeness. - They center most of the criticism of Larson specifically due to a speech she made at a conference that they think came from her realizing she's not a black woman and thus not the lowest o
  11. deeno trying to casually jump in like nothing happened
  12. he put a clear spoiler warning disclaimer, and nah he didnt like black panther "they cuck t'challa"
  13. lmao libcucks and save-a-ho’s are mad this movie is bland, conveyor belt trash
  14. how bad must this movie be if even WOMEN at reputable outlets thought it sucked? https://www.vulture.com/2019/03/captain-marvel-review-roundup.html “All-in-all it’s fine, but nothing to get too excited about. And it could have and should have been so much better: The cast was there, the cool directing talents, the budget and the ‘brand’ goodwill. Halfway through most Marvel movies I don’t often find myself dreaming up some other Brie Larson, Jude Law, Annette Bening, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn and Gemma Chan movie (oh right Gemma Chan is in this as a glorified ex
  15. comments section: Calling it now: Captain Marvel will defeat Thanos by pulling up his homophobic tweets from 2009.
  16. movie is getting trashed even by all the biggest legit review channels
  17. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/captain-marvel-xbox-one-x-system-being-given-away-/1100-6465425/ another marketing deal that makes total sense
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