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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. gamespot's review in progress 5.0 score is now an official 5.0, presumably after reviewing the mp (but who the fuck can tell ) https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/crackdown-3-review-man-of-steel/1900-6417088/
  2. remember the days when even HIGH AA could feel like a monumental flop? zelda (8.8), mgs3 (8.7), gt4 (8.9). xbox one has truly redefined the flop with its parade of 5-6.0’s
  3. deeno: "feels like a grander take on red faction guerrilla" gerstmann: "feels like a bad take on red faction guerrilla"
  4. that zelda game is HIDEOUS edit i just realized links awakening is the old gb game. destroying a classic
  5. animal crossing fire emblem luigis mansion pokemon yoshi dont expect anything more than that
  6. if someone asks you to party up for some crackdown, can they even be considered a friend
  7. they probably knew most people's friends wouldnt be playing this
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