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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. deeno: "feels like a grander take on red faction guerrilla" gerstmann: "feels like a bad take on red faction guerrilla"
  2. that zelda game is HIDEOUS edit i just realized links awakening is the old gb game. destroying a classic
  3. animal crossing fire emblem luigis mansion pokemon yoshi dont expect anything more than that
  4. if someone asks you to party up for some crackdown, can they even be considered a friend
  5. they probably knew most people's friends wouldnt be playing this
  6. https://kotaku.com/microsofts-inside-xbox-show-isnt-working-1832410644 Yesterday afternoon, Microsoft aired its latest episode of Inside Xbox, a monthly livestream in which the company updates players on new stuff in the world of Xbox. Like most episodes of Inside Xbox, it was long, precisely staged, and light on interesting news. If new Nintendo Directs have become exciting, mini-E3 press conferences, new episodes of Inside Xbox feel more like the ads that run before a movie. In theory, it’s nice for Xbox fans to get regular updates from the people behind the pl
  7. this isnt actually the product of 5 years. its been through development hell, scrapped from the ground more than once probably. by jonb logic, its been cancelled several times
  8. re4 was one of the best games from its gen, but theres a fair amount of tedium that keeps me from loving it. the core action gets tedious especially the parts that are straight up wave based shooter. also adding to the tedium (and hindrance to re-plays) is the full fledged progression system, that has you upgrading weapons in 5 different ways, and scrounging for garbage non-stop inside barrells, crates, vases, trees, etc. its no different to me than it is in borderlands when after every gunfight i have to open multiple crates and lockers in succession. thow all that in a pretty lon
  9. this is coming from the same person thats been agressively posting for days in the old re vs new re thread
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