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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. @DynamiteCop! see, threads like this demonstrate how your and jons post counts relate to your mental stability. normal people would just take the L after such a blatant thread backfire, but you/jon are just going to keep going like a couple of psychos
  2. the metldown on resetera "Damn. I bought the X version last night, then see this DF analysis today. Does Microsoft offer refunds on digital purchases via the Store on the Xbone?" "I bought it on One X thinking it would clearly be the best option, now I'm stuck with this juddery shit. I swear to fucking god I'll just stop buying games before they come out and DF does their analysis." "Never preordering a game for Xbox again, buying ace combat 7, RE2, and KH3 was so hard. I screwed up buying 2 if those on the xbox.. " "Truth. I am absol
  3. every major xbox game announced at or near launch, flopped or got canceled think about it 🤔
  4. "However, there is a further dimension to the story and actually, as a Kingdom Hearts fan, it's the PS4 Pro version I'll be playing through to completion." "Kingdom Hearts 3 is best played at 60fps, and it's PS4 Pro with its 1080p output mode that delivers the most fluid experience." thread backfire
  5. this is what it comes to spicoli - drive by deeno - drive by jon - remember 360?
  6. ps4 aint on the clock here waiting for npd wins or aaas it won the gen by 50 million and isnt in the midst of a 3 year drought
  7. if only they could predict a AAA or NPD win with similar accuracy
  8. you predicted i'd make a thread about an article that praised xbox?
  9. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/why-you-should-buy-an-xbox-one-in-2015/1100-6424959/ Why You Should Buy an Xbox One in 2015 Going all-in on the all-in-one. By Peter Brown on January 30, 2015 at 12:36PM If you don't own an Xbox One, now's the time to pick one up. It didn't get off to the best start when it launched back in 2013, but if you're only looking at the past, you're missing what's ahead, and there's a lot to look forward to. Microsoft was on top of the world after the holiday season, having sold more consoles than Sony or Nintendo during the months of Nove
  10. nah, i hated what re2make looked like from day 1. gameplay isnt as tight as re4 and it’s clearly not in the same vein as the first remake - its basically a next gen revelations. you make a good point though, its clearly a half measure between the two styles that wouldnt have flown with purists 10 years ago when people were asking for re2make.
  11. you make 1000 posts a month, just fuck off to one of your other 999 quotable/open posts in january
  12. the faction that hypes studio acquisitions laughing that a game won’t release for several years.
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