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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior_

  1. lookin good jimbo and I tan because its hot during the summer and I am always under the sun, sorry I don't live in mommy's basement 24/7
  2. I always lose my tan during fall/winter You guys are jelly
  3. Dying your hair is now hipster. lol, apparently anything that a souless synthetic mass culture automaton wouldn't do, must be hipster! omg you mean you don't wipe your ass by standing up first? Hipster!!
  4. Hey, I'm the white guy here. Stop wanting to be me! I guess I missed the memo where only white people have blond hair. Maybe you should tell those guys that > http://med.stanford.edu/ism/2012/may/blond.html
  5. been there done that stop wanting to be me it suits you better because it accurately displays what a douchebag you come off as here
  6. stooping to elementary school bully humour now, nice, that's actually an improvement.
  7. I'm not a hipster or a tom and I'm no slave either so go yank someone else's chain
  8. I'm not African American, I don't subscribe to this afrocentrist verbatim because afrocentrism is retarded.
  9. Your jokes fail all the time. in response to both gd and truno
  10. Lol those shoes are brand new, why would I ever buy someone else's used crap? I dob't shop at goodwill, I'm not your moms
  11. It's impossible for me to click on this thread when I am in any public setting. Thanks virigns!
  12. It's appropriate because he's blowing Usually I hate when people make obvious the point of the joke, but that one flew right over my head and your reply thus made it funny :lol:
  13. Here's a picture itt I could actually wank off to :jerkitgasp:
  14. this thread just turned a haven for virgins to share porno trading cards
  15. Last I checked my drunken attention whoring didn't kill anyone, so I think I'm doing pretty alright as a decent human being :lol:
  16. Bitch she's gonna be whoever she wants to be. As her dad i'm gonna be there to support whatever she wants to do in life. Unlike you I'm confident in my skills as a parent and she is not gonna be an undeveloped woman when she is grown. Where the fuck do you get off talking shit about an 18 month old baby. Get a life faggot. I made a valid criticism. You can learn from it. I know what I have given you. I don't know what you have received.
  17. this facade doesn't work on me, it's pitiful to see you even bother :lol:
  18. Do you even know what you have as your avatar? You posture too much
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