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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior_

  1. lmao the circus retard is riled up and angry, so easy look at his cheerleader trying to chime in and help as well, so pathetic
  2. I checked it out, will watch the whole thing when I can use sound. Looks good so far
  3. the difference is the bait and the baited. you can tell who's really angry itt too bad he word fights like a 13yr old school girl "ur ugleh, ur unpopular" omfg, gotta love picking on people who aren't used to confrontations And don't say that to him, you're only hurting his feelings more, he wants people to like him
  4. "that nobody likes" is what it comes down to? Does it look like I actually make an effort? You try so hard to make people here laugh and at best you're just a entertaining circus freak to them. Have you noticed the only people who interact with you are freaks as well, like the 6.2 obese 18yr old who's amazing trick is the be forgotten about for year. Why are you even here? You don't play video games Your only purpose is to try to be liked (by men, no surprise) here with your pussy "jokes" because you're so fucking weird for anyone to like you irl. no surprise. The sad part is you actually giv
  5. We all know you're a homosexual, you really should stop trying to convince us otherwise through your posts, you just seem to much of a try hard. I'll try to remember to pm you the link
  6. its more fun being a dick though. SW fights make me do this every time
  7. o yeah i forgot Im zwarrior reborn :lol: , but what can I say, I know how to hold my own against assholes and if you look into the abyss, it gazes back at you, that sort of thing
  8. You and Orion use this line like Im trying to hide this fact. Yes, I made a thread where I pretended I would commit suicide. I didn't make a single post in that thread other than the OP and it reached over 100 posts, proving I don't even have to do much effort for you mindless drones to feed off me. You'd really think after years of me doing this, no one would be so gullible, but you all prove time and again that I am just really good at what I do
  9. If you think having an art degree is an insult, the joke would be on you for being uncultured and ignorant, not on me Stop and look, on what you see on your computer screen, your computer itself, your desk and everything in it, the room you're in, everywhere, anything you look at that isn't made by nature, is designed by an artist. And in our society, we look at more things made by artists than at real nature itself, scary when you think about it, but profitable in my case ;)
  10. Or I work there. How's your art degree going man? dont be polite to me fuck face
  11. any post you make directed at me only shows how truly butthurt you are that I don't care about, and reject you. I am sorry, but you're so poor it disgusts me, your entire lifestyle and who you admit to be through your diary threads, truly a loser at life who will go no where. So don't be butthurt, just accept the fact that some people want nothing to do with you.
  12. ugly face, and without that bra, those tits most likely reach down to her belly button. You can tell by her skinny legs she also has no ass.
  13. The Entourage theme song played in my head the second I saw those pics
  14. Awwww, poor snakey and his feewings ;( who gives a fuck you bitch ass licking snakey booty hole nigga
  15. well, you're too fat, this acquaintanceship is over. I can't have fat people around me.
  16. truno plz lose the weight. the gif needs to be a bit faster btw for it to work
  17. maybe, you do have bigger breasts than she does Please. All I did was type your name in Facebook and you were the first one to pop up. Like I even tried yes, you tried, you would think being a stalker is completely natural to you
  18. This kid is obsessed, did you jerk off while going through my facebook as well and goodbye snakey, you dont get to be in my friend's list anymore since you seem to enjoy telling other people my fb, you're an asshole anyway
  19. The irony of someone here named drama chasing me itt everytime I make a reply. drama really does follow me, figuratively and literally. Its like people crave my attention
  20. Start a brawl with me and pussy out when you can't finish it, and I'm the one on my period, nice
  21. losing a lot of weight by being tall.... and still fat? how's your life getting better going for you? Do you really want to compare credentials let's not, I dont know if I can compare to working at a fast food joint. Only the most skilled people work at subway, it's not ghetto kids and immigrants that work there or anything.
  22. Yeah, I could be banned from a gaming forum and be so upset that I create a new account for laughs because I find no pleasure in my life. or you could be fat
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