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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Malakius

  1. Fagniards indeed. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif
  2. lmfao, trying to compare the great Incans to African nig nogs. It's like trying to compare Machu Picchu to aids.
  3. Incans were the mothefucking shit. Incans>Aztecs>Fagniards Incans
  4. You're a native fuck No I don't. But you do look like a Guatemaltecan which is even lower than a Mexican.
  5. Putting Sk into my ignore list. Fuck that gift. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif
  6. sw sets me back in education back into middle school It's true. Ever since I started posting here, my spelling went to shit. With retards like DMC, XLJ, Cov, BARF, Kidtric you can't really prove me wrong.
  7. yeah, surprising, don't be a pervert and treat women like equals while still being a gentlemen instead of objects you'd like to fuck and you'd be amazed at who finds you attractive lol when does your Intro to Philosophy class end? this shit is getting unbearable Yeah bro, I'd rather smoke a blunt and ramble about Philosophy like you do. When have I ever rambled about philosophy? lmfao if you're gonna stalk me on SW all day talking shit you can at least do better than false claims Says the bitch who always follows me everywhere I post. GG XLJ
  8. yeah, surprising, don't be a pervert and treat women like equals while still being a gentlemen instead of objects you'd like to fuck and you'd be amazed at who finds you attractive lol when does your Intro to Philosophy class end? this shit is getting unbearable Yeah bro, I'd rather smoke a blunt and ramble about Philosophy like you do.
  9. Stop trying to get me to post pictures of my so called "malnourished" body. Like a good whore, you do well reading between the lines.
  10. "bu bu teh 12 people ;(" You are just an annoying fly. You can't even cut it with your shitty bait.
  11. You are a fucking dumbass that came out from same barn that HH did.
  12. Peruvians have the better food, actual culture and a good economy. Your credit rating just got downgraded for fucks sake. Meanwhile, milions of Americans are facing foreclosure. Yeah, I get you now. There is a big difference between this bland nation and a rich cultured nation like Peru. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif Peru doesn't have to worry about foreclosures, because nobody besides 12 people own their own homes. It's easy to lose something when you've had something, but Peru has nothing to lose, because it has nothing. http://syste
  13. Peruvians have the better food, actual culture and a good economy. Your credit rating just got downgraded for fucks sake. Meanwhile, milions of Americans are facing foreclosure. Yeah, I get you now. There is a big difference between this bland nation and a rich cultured nation like Peru. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif
  14. How can you have standards when you are poor on top of being in "the land of opportunities". You have to be dumb, a retard or just lazy to be poor here.
  15. I can see your entire ribcage. You seriously need to eat something. Well, he's got some fruits and wine. And we've got some quality shit posting right here. Quality shit is what you Malnourished Pooruvians call a delicacy. Peruvian's cuisine is one of the finest in the entire world. By all means though, entertain me with your shit bait, you ugly peon. Peru is one the poorest shit holes in the world, and only my beautiful smile could brighten it. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif There are poor people everywhere.
  16. I can see your entire ribcage. You seriously need to eat something. Well, he's got some fruits and wine. And we've got some quality shit posting right here. Quality shit is what you Malnourished Pooruvians call a delicacy. Peruvian's cuisine is one of the finest in the entire world. By all means though, entertain me with your shit bait, you ugly peon. Peru is one the poorest shit holes in the world, and only my beautiful smile could brighten it. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif There are poor people everywhere.
  17. I can see your entire ribcage. You seriously need to eat something. Well, he's got some fruits and wine. And we've got some quality shit posting right here. Quality shit is what you Malnourished Pooruvians call a delicacy. Peruvian's cuisine is one of the finest in the entire world. By all means though, entertain me with your shit bait, you ugly peon.
  18. I can see your entire ribcage. You seriously need to eat something. Well, he's got some fruits and wine. And we've got some quality shit posting right here.
  19. You are like that socially inept Nintendo fanboy from every Uni. Do you also wear Nintendo shirts?
  20. I think your philosophical ramblings when you are stoned are even worse.
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