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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Malakius

  1. Seriously snowman, stop begging for modship. That's not cool.
  2. Easily the best racing franchise this gen. Nah, GT5 is.
  3. FIFA 12 GT5 Trying to platinum New Vegas but it's going to take a while.
  4. ^^^ Says the biggest retard and most owned poster on this forum.
  5. lmfao you inferior Shitstralian. You couldn't even recognize good bait. Go back to fucking kangaroos. "You should return to fucking kangaroos." fixed I didn't say that. Wear more pink clothes, hipster darkie.
  6. lmfao you inferior Shitstralian. You couldn't even recognize good bait. Go back to fucking kangaroos.
  7. Btw, you should take your spelling more serious. *seriously Has nothing to do with spelling. Maybe you should upgrade from those shitty African books they teach you with. When did I say it did, bitchboy? I'm just calling you out for being retarded like I always do. Nothings changed. There is nothing wrong about what I wrote. Faggots getting raped in the circle jerking. why don't you elaborate then on how it's grammatically correct.. this should be interesting.... Why bother? Most of these idiots consider rappers as modern poets. it's because you can't. lol "spacegoat" lol Brilliant assu
  8. Btw, you should take your spelling more serious. *seriously Has nothing to do with spelling. Maybe you should upgrade from those shitty African books they teach you with. When did I say it did, bitchboy? I'm just calling you out for being retarded like I always do. Nothings changed. There is nothing wrong about what I wrote. Faggots getting raped in the circle jerking. why don't you elaborate then on how it's grammatically correct.. this should be interesting.... Why bother? Most of these idiots consider rappers as modern poets.
  9. Btw, you should take your spelling more serious. *seriously Has nothing to do with spelling. Maybe you should upgrade from those shitty African books they teach you with. When did I say it did, bitchboy? I'm just calling you out for being retarded like I always do. Nothings changed. There is nothing wrong about what I wrote. Faggots getting raped in the circle jerking.
  10. Btw, you should take your spelling more serious. *seriously Has nothing to do with spelling. Maybe you should upgrade from those shitty African books they teach you with.
  11. Fuck you. Don't try to act mad cool here, pussy ass drama queen bitch.
  12. lmao malatard mad lmao i would be too if God hated me enough to stick me in Pooru :lol: Peru is a million times better than the shithole your ancestors came from. Besides, everybody knows Marley was a huge faggot and drama queen.
  13. Fuck you Sean. Seeing your faggot face makes me beat the shit out of you.
  14. I give shit to everyone. at least you are a good sport in return He sucks as Soccer.
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