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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Malakius

  1. Seriously it looks like some teenager getting excited about finally growing facial hair. Why you hating on stubbles, can't grow them? I grow them all the time and I fucking hate it, so I shave it off. Fuck shaving, It's a waste of money, using a trimmer is so much better for your skin. I have a trimmer but it won't get rid of all the facial hair. Girls love stubbles, it shows that you care about your appearance. I know they sometime get pissy when your smooching on their face, but when I go down on them, they love that shit. It's not my thing. I have some mean motherfuckin
  2. Seriously it looks like some teenager getting excited about finally growing facial hair. Why you hating on stubbles, can't grow them? I grow them all the time and I fucking hate it, so I shave it off. Fuck shaving, It's a waste of money, using a trimmer is so much better for your skin. I have a trimmer but it won't get rid of all the facial hair.
  3. Seriously it looks like some teenager getting excited about finally growing facial hair. Why you hating on stubbles, can't grow them? I grow them all the time and I fucking hate it, so I shave it off.
  4. Seriously it looks like some teenager getting excited about finally growing facial hair.
  5. Shave that scruff. Your eyebrows are already bushy, you don't need more shit in your face. And stop being a hardcore racist right winger, you fat fuck.
  6. Reply to a female poster, gets called a stalker. There is a reason why you'll always remain an ugly virgin, Snakey.
  7. I'm not sure that's possible Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2 Whatever you do, DO NOT EVER follow any of Snakey's advice. There is a reason why that guy is the living definition of pussy repellent.
  8. Nigga is dumb as shit. Oh, Mallory. U MAD Of course not. I never get mad in SW.
  9. you dont have to look super serious, mallory. christ. you just...don't get it. and by it, i mean life. Says the alcoholic, girlfriend fucking scumbag. Btw, every black man has that super serious face, so I don't know what are you talking about.
  10. Go ahead, keep looking serious and be an unapproachable faggot.
  11. who's this retard? It's ok to rag on a member here. However, trashing one's kid is a dick move. But he loves dick. lol wut. i dont smile in pictures. prove it Why do blacks never smile on pictures, or even worse show the middle finger.
  12. lmfao Truno is so pussyhurt about me demolishing him that he has to butt in and talk shit whenever I say something.
  13. No, I just have a good memory. Sucks for the cops, you can't remember where you left Xelle's corpse. What the fuck
  14. Do you write down everything that happens in this site?
  15. This site has to be the most pathetic one ever. Reminds me of high school when the jocks were not allowed to be friends or agree with the unpopular kids. The same happens here when someone agrees with someone that is not "universally" liked, except, it is a internet site. I understand though, for some pathetic fags like Goddess creep, and Posterboy Truno is their only means of socializing.
  16. Bro, it's not the first time you jump on my dick. As a matter of fact, get in line right behind this Goddess creep and Chimps. But you said I was a virgin. Remember your own bait, Hezbollah, that's why you still sleep in a ditch. Do you know the meaning of being a virgin, you self proclaimed faggot. Do you know what 'ill conceited' means? That was the original point I made, seem to fly right over your head. Oh so you don't even deny it?
  17. Bro, it's not the first time you jump on my dick. As a matter of fact, get in line right behind this Goddess creep and Chimps. But you said I was a virgin. Remember your own bait, Hezbollah, that's why you still sleep in a ditch. Do you know the meaning of being a virgin, you self proclaimed faggot.
  18. Bro, it's not the first time you jump on my dick. As a matter of fact, get in line right behind this Goddess creep and Chimps.
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