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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Rocabye

  1. Finally got my hands on super meat boy the game is like crack and one of hte few challenging games i've played in a long time outside of starcraft 2. A true gem of a game although it took a little playing around to get my controller to work with it.
  2. I'm sure you've found this but i'll just link this here. I don't know how to help you as i don't have the game to fuck around with http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-3754.html i already looked through that. I get an error message telling me to update my graphics card driver even though i already have the latest version. there is nothing i can do. Sorry, that sucks.
  3. I'm sure you've found this but i'll just link this here. I don't know how to help you as i don't have the game to fuck around with http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-3754.html
  4. You will love it's awesome. Also i remember gamedrunk asked about difficulty. There are sometimes where you will be lost it's a metroid game it happens. There's also a few tough boss battles. A few of said bosses i ahd to attempt multiple times to win. Sometimes a difficulty encounter can pop out of nowhere. The whole game is just an amazing expierence i'll probably give it another go soon for 100% / hard mode if there is a hard mode i didn't see one last time i checked.
  5. Big spoiler to other M in the video below but this boss made me smile when i saw it Spoiler
  6. So much fan service too Espcially Spoiler The after credits mission With Phantoon and shit
  7. Nothing about it felt gimmiky at all. I can honestly say anyone who truly likes games will love it.
  8. There's no control issue play it i promise you you will not be frustrated with ugh i can't make that jump because of the controls.
  9. moving within a 3D environment with a d pad will never be as precise as using a analog stick, but i got used it and don't mind the current set up at all. ugh see that pisses me off. I'm so tired of this motion nonsense. The new zelda looks stupid too with it's wiimote combat. ummm...he never mentioned motion controls.I'm sick of the wiimote I guess is what I was trying to say. Moving in a 3d space with a D-pad is just beyond dumb. eh it seems like a lot of people are ok with it. besides, it sounds like a true metroid experience. shadow complex was cool, but this looks so much better. I ca
  10. It literally plays and feels like super metroid for hte most part and i never had trouble going where i wanted to go. It's what a 3D metroid should be. I loved prime but this is what a 3d metroid should have been all along.
  11. Just beat Other M earlier. All i can say is the game was great the voice overs weren't bad and the story is on par with most games that get followed religiously by most people. I official will never take a professional reviewer seriously again unless they give a game a score of 5 or lower. Might be my game of the year honestly but that's only a maybe.
  12. I keep playing it waiting for the let down. This game got robbed. Reviewers are a joke. It's easily one of the best games this year to me. Most will disagree probably but meh i'm a metroid fan through and through.
  13. I can't comment to much since i'm only like 1 or 2 hours in. With that said i've almost died a few times that meditation thing saved me. I was lost last i was playing, which is a good thing it's not a metroid game if you aren't lost for a bit.
  14. You can use my iptorrents account if you want Seriously it fucking owns hard. It's even better if you're a metroid fan plus the CG is some of the best I've seen I was so disappointed that NG2 didn't have CG cutscenes. I have yet to not be able to do what i've wanted to do in this game and the cutscenes have been amazingly detailed.
  15. I guess most reviewers don't like it when a series tries to innovate itself and does a very well job at it. I guess. This feels awesome to play. All the reviews made me iffy and worried now that im playing it i feel bad for having ever doubted the metroid series. This shit has never let me down.
  16. I don't get the reviews on this metroid game at all. I started playing it today and it's amazing so far. The voice acting isn't even that bad when your playing for some reason. I'm convinced most reviewers are retarded.
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