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System Warrior
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Status Updates posted by smoothhands

  1. lmao wow some really angry homos up in herr :D HI GD! :adhd:

  2. LMAO!!! ROFL!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!! oh fuck! :D :D :D holy shit! :D :D :D

  3. my cavernous vagina should be able to hold 9000 babies! :sword:

  4. nice hairy chest :D be my friend :sam:

  5. no! but I'll marry you for your herpes! :tard:

  6. of course I am! skott hasn't managed to kill me... yet :|

  7. of course I'm real! who the hell do you think I am?! :smug:

  8. only if cleo agrees to be the flower girl:glad:

  9. peanutbutta jelly! where have you been :sam:

  10. RE5 co-op was the bomb.com yo! :love:

  11. sheesh for some reason I thought we were friends already :happysad:

  12. somehow I am inclined to believe that you guys have made that arrangement in the past:?

  13. systematic, your words have touched me... in all the right places :rub:

  14. systematic!!! you are da man!

  15. systematic... please.... let us resolve this together with swords :sword:

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