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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I'm like the white version of you, you're like the black version of me....except I don't have a window in my bathroom.
  2. For some reason I have an idea you strategically made it so that the truck is in the back, you're wearing a trucker-type hat, chest hair sticking out, and doofy ass smile is contained in one picture.
  3. We have granite countertops in the kitchen which always impresses the low class bitches I pull in
  4. *cough* Sean aka Chris You are my bottom You're Mexican so you're society's bottom.
  5. Which one? The one where you're black or the fruit picker one?
  6. This all really upsets me. I remember when it happened I thought I would get over it in a few months but 3 days away from his birthday it all still makes me really upset. I remember talking to him the morning this happened too. This all hit me ridiculously hard when I read it too, as I read through the first few pages the day after this was posted I was trying to convince myself it was a joke. I actually overshot this thread when I was telling a friend about the 'mickey' smile and I logged in to just preview a post before we left to some party and I guess I just passed by it. I can't even imag
  7. You pirated Madden 11 or is it out already? Mom and pop store
  8. Can't remember if I posted what I'm playing, but it's NCAA 2011 and Madden 11. When you disable all the dumbed down crap in both they both own really hard. Madden 11 is a tad easy. I played one game on Pro (default, forgot to change that) and won in with the Vikings against the Saints 56 - 14.
  9. didn't lair get a patch that made it playable. He would know if he actually played it.
  10. ye dog. When I get home can you hook me up with a link?Yeah, I'll also link you to google which is a new site not many people know of.
  11. Hey FaggotMonkey did you see my post that you CAN NOT play STALKER without the mod LURK? It's a complete overhaul that doesn't deplete everything about the vanilla version, but actually just improves all the weak points to make everything shine. It's the best complete overhaul I've ever seen, not just for STALKER (Oh and I played Complete STALKER Mod 2009 and it's shit compared to this), and it truly makes STALKER one of the top shooters ever. Amazing atmosphere.
  12. Chris


    Don't let TBM run anything, dumbass can't even count to 21 without his pants and shoes off.
  13. Chris


    ^ completely my idea btw lmfao you're a dick. you know what you are? mad i aint mad, u mad that uthink im mad but im not mad lmao still mad?
  14. Chris


    ^ completely my idea btw lmfao you're a dick.
  15. Chris


    Hal is my ****a, dude puts a lot of effort into the site with no return. U a bawss hal.
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