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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. It's only the beginning It was the beginning about 12 months ago.Since you've played Gears of War, does it get better after the first 2 hours? This is boring as fuck.Yep. But if you don't enjoy the first 2 hours there's very little to keep you interested the next 4 or 5.Ugh, this really isn't my type of game; I'm finding it very repetitive.
  2. It's only the beginning It was the beginning about 12 months ago.Since you've played Gears of War, does it get better after the first 2 hours? This is boring as fuck.
  3. To keep you crying in your antidepresants.Learn to spell it and I might, jackass.If I do you might kill yourself.You suck at damage control, get the fuck out. wash that sand out of your vagina. Stop getting internet emotional. Wow
  4. It's only the beginning It was the beginning about 12 months ago.
  5. To keep you crying in your antidepresants.Learn to spell it and I might, jackass.If I do you might kill yourself.You suck at damage control, get the fuck out.
  6. To keep you crying in your antidepresants.Learn to spell it and I might, jackass.
  7. liquid is one of the best forumites here. that's why.you're lucky you're named after one of the godly roots members....otherwise i'd have to kill ya......You can't even touch me . You watch Nip/Tuck last week? That was the best episode in a while, best of the lackluster season no doubt. fuck no this season has been great. dosent touch season 3 but stillNo, it's been lackluster and terrible. Michelle's story is atrocious.
  8. liquid is one of the best forumites here. that's why.you're lucky you're named after one of the godly roots members....otherwise i'd have to kill ya......You can't even touch me . You watch Nip/Tuck last week? That was the best episode in a while, best of the lackluster season no doubt.
  9. liquid is one of the best forumites here. that's why.
  10. Indeed, I hear the legs taste like chicken.
  11. Did I say you could post in my thread, bitch. NO, NOT YOU AGAIN!!!! Yeah, it's me bitch. You weren't black before. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU What?
  13. Why not rip her limbs off, like they did to you child?Because she's alive, unlike the piece of meat you keep calling a child. They rip the limbs off? FATALITY yep, she was givena fair chance at life......unlike some others.Indeed, and as Reload said: comradewiley: no Not Here: what? comradewiley: you officially comradewiley: win Lmfao :D:D:D:D. /thread
  14. Did I say you could post in my thread, bitch. NO, NOT YOU AGAIN!!!! Yeah, it's me bitch.
  15. Why not rip her limbs off, like they did to you child?Because she's alive, unlike the piece of meat you keep calling a child. They rip the limbs off? FATALITY yep, she was givena fair chance at life......unlike some others.Indeed, and as Reload said: comradewiley: no Not Here: what? comradewiley: you officially comradewiley: win
  16. Why not rip her limbs off, like they did to you child?Because she's alive, unlike the piece of meat you keep calling a child. They rip the limbs off? FATALITY
  17. I'm tired, I think I might go fuck my fiance and then laugh and go "Haha, the sperm has been OWNED by the pill!'
  18. Trick question? LMao im crying now....like the screams of your unborn baby. DId you watch?Yes, and I laughed during it. What are your thoughts on people who have been raped having abortions? ANswer my questions seriously and i will answer yours.Yes I did watch. What were your thought? ANd yes, rape. IF a girl is raped should ccould easily go get the day after pill. It should have to come to fetal abortion...but if it would....the girl actually has a reason besides being lazy.God, and you say I'M selfish. No wonder you're a Republican, you probably fuck little boys that can't have children.
  19. NEVER QUOTE ME AGAIN, FAGGOT ... DID I STUTTER, FOOL? Better watch out, if he cums you prevent a life!
  20. Post some straight porn; to show the waste of CHILDREN !!!!!!!
  21. Trick question? LMao im crying now....like the screams of your unborn baby. DId you watch?Yes, and I laughed during it. What are your thoughts on people who have been raped having abortions? ANswer my questions seriously and i will answer yours.Yes I did watch.
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