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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Why is Liquid Pimp a mod?

    liquid is one of the best forumites here. that's why.:Dyou're lucky you're named after one of the godly roots members....otherwise i'd have to kill ya......B)You can't even touch me B).

    You watch Nip/Tuck last week? That was the best episode in a while, best of the lackluster season no doubt.

    fuck no this season has been great. dosent touch season 3 but stillNo, it's been lackluster and terrible. Michelle's story is atrocious.
  2. Why is Liquid Pimp a mod?

    liquid is one of the best forumites here. that's why.:Dyou're lucky you're named after one of the godly roots members....otherwise i'd have to kill ya......B)You can't even touch me B).

    You watch Nip/Tuck last week? That was the best episode in a while, best of the lackluster season no doubt.

  3. I'm tired, I think I might go fuck my fiance and then laugh and go "Haha, the sperm has been OWNED by the pill!'

    Why not rip her limbs off, like they did to you child?Because she's alive, unlike the piece of meat you keep calling a child. They rip the limbs off? FATALITY yep, she was givena fair chance at life......unlike some others.Indeed, and as Reload said:

    comradewiley: no

    Not Here: what?

    comradewiley: you officially

    comradewiley: win

    :|Lmfao :(:D:D:D:D:D.


  4. I'm tired, I think I might go fuck my fiance and then laugh and go "Haha, the sperm has been OWNED by the pill!'

    Why not rip her limbs off, like they did to you child?Because she's alive, unlike the piece of meat you keep calling a child. They rip the limbs off? FATALITY yep, she was givena fair chance at life......unlike some others.Indeed, and as Reload said:

    comradewiley: no

    Not Here: what?

    comradewiley: you officially

    comradewiley: win

  5. John, have you ever had sex with a woman who used the pill?

    See, the pill doesn't prevent fertilization. Its prevents the fertilized egg from attaching the wall of the uterus. It aborts the "baby" just like an abortion, it just does it a little earlier.

    So if you have, you're probably a child killer too. Better start repenting. :happysad:

    Trick question? LMao im crying now....like the screams of your unborn baby. DId you watch?Yes, and I laughed during it.

    What are your thoughts on people who have been raped having abortions?

    ANswer my questions seriously and i will answer yours.Yes I did watch. What were your thought? ANd yes, rape. IF a girl is raped should ccould easily go get the day after pill. It should have to come to fetal abortion...but if it would....the girl actually has a reason besides being lazy.God, and you say I'M selfish. No wonder you're a Republican, you probably fuck little boys that can't have children.
  6. John, have you ever had sex with a woman who used the pill?

    See, the pill doesn't prevent fertilization. Its prevents the fertilized egg from attaching the wall of the uterus. It aborts the "baby" just like an abortion, it just does it a little earlier.

    So if you have, you're probably a child killer too. Better start repenting. :happysad:

    Trick question? LMao im crying now....like the screams of your unborn baby. DId you watch?Yes, and I laughed during it.

    What are your thoughts on people who have been raped having abortions?

    ANswer my questions seriously and i will answer yours.Yes I did watch.
  7. John, have you ever had sex with a woman who used the pill?

    See, the pill doesn't prevent fertilization. Its prevents the fertilized egg from attaching the wall of the uterus. It aborts the "baby" just like an abortion, it just does it a little earlier.

    So if you have, you're probably a child killer too. Better start repenting. :happysad:

    Trick question? LMao im crying now....like the screams of your unborn baby. DId you watch?Yes, and I laughed during it.

    What are your thoughts on people who have been raped having abortions?

  8. YOu say you believe in god yet call me a jesus freak....especially whan i say i dont promote or practice christianity. MAkes sense dude. Fall back on religion when im not even using that in my argument.:shakes:

    So many errors in that, it's so hard to read :happysad:. Can you travel to the future and tell me what me kids name that I will obviously beat is? Also, boy or girl?Why not just abort the next one? I mean...keep killing them until its convieniant for you to have and take care of one.We didn't do it because it was 'convieniant' (:glad:). We did it because we were both in school and had jobs. Maybe when we're both done with school and have a steady job it will be 'convieniant' to have a kid. Oh really? YOu were too busy, so you killed a kid. I forgot having a kid was supposed to be easy......B)The kid wasn't even developed, shit; fucker didn't even have a functioning brain. How hard it is for you to understand you stupid shit :glad:.
  9. John, have you ever had sex with a woman who used the pill?

    See, the pill doesn't prevent fertilization. Its prevents the fertilized egg from attaching the wall of the uterus. It aborts the "baby" just like an abortion, it just does it a little earlier.

    So if you have, you're probably a child killer too. Better start repenting. :happysad:

    Trick question?
  10. YOu say you believe in god yet call me a jesus freak....especially whan i say i dont promote or practice christianity. MAkes sense dude. Fall back on religion when im not even using that in my argument.:shakes:

    So many errors in that, it's so hard to read :happysad:. Can you travel to the future and tell me what me kids name that I will obviously beat is? Also, boy or girl?Why not just abort the next one? I mean...keep killing them until its convieniant for you to have and take care of one.We didn't do it because it was 'convieniant' (B)). We did it because we were both in school and had jobs. Maybe when we're both done with school and have a steady job it will be 'convieniant' to have a kid.
  11. YOu say you believe in god yet call me a jesus freak....especially whan i say i dont promote or practice christianity. MAkes sense dude. Fall back on religion when im not even using that in my argument.:shakes:

    So many errors in that, it's so hard to read :happysad:. Can you travel to the future and tell me what me kids name that I will obviously beat is? Also, boy or girl?
  12. The fetus can't think until the cerebral cortex comes online during the third trimester. Before that it's mindless meat so who cares except for religious loons.

    CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself?

    An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose.

    I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from something that didnt even have an opinion. I guess it was for the best...im guessing your fathering skills wouldnt be up to par regardless...and you would have probably killed the kid anyway.

    "But it would be?" If you're arguing that it's wrong to stop potential human beings from being generated, then anytime you don't seek to maximize your breeding opportunties, you're behaving immorally. Everytime you use birth control, even the rythem method, you're behaving immorality. Everytime you do anything besides have sex while your girlfriend is ovulating is immoral. In every case you're preventing potential human beings from being generated.

    Again with the religious bs. Back to topic....would you be able to staba nd murber a 2 week old fetus...and think nothing of it? FUck your immorality talk. Its a human being, regardless of if it can or cannot think. And again, you are talking that away from it. I guess its ok for murder in general.

    It's not even alive yet :glad:. It wouldn't know, preventing a life? It's not alive yet so it doesn't matter.

    It aint alive? Whats that hear beat doing then........just keeping time? ANd you call me a retard? GTFO :glad: Arent you supposed to eat some chicken or some shit?

    An ant's alive. Should that have a right to life too?

    Are you honestly going to compare a humans life to an ant?B) Seriously....are you? YOu know what.......monkeys have gay sex......should you? I mean.....monkeys do it.....eat some of your own shit while your at it:mehblink:
    Actually, our DNA is what, 98% identical to monkeys. So we can compare each other.

    Then go poke saucy in his as and let him suckl the shit off your dick afterwards:)

    You know, when you rub one out; you're preventing many children from having their 'first kiss ;('. What do you do at night when you're lonely and rub one out? You store it in jars?

    NOw you are getting pathetic. I know it hurts you and your girl at night when you sleep. I know you feel bad about what you did, regardless if you think it was right or not. I know every night you go to sleep and think about what could have been. YOu hurt from this.

    Yes, I'm so hurt; I cry myself to sleep every night. Just to think, only a couple more years when I wont kill one :happysad:. OH MY GOD!!!! LMFAO

    Don't feel bad for me, I should feel bad for you; for obvious reasons.

    When you actually have a kid...you will think back and feel worse. Feel bad for me? LMao. If anything, ill feel bad for your kid you keep. If you can kill one and not think anything of it....i feel bad when you have a kid......one more dead beat dad. I wonder if you will abuse him? Hmmmmm
    It's nice to know that Republican Jesus freaks can now travel to the future.
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