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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Trick question? LMao im crying now....like the screams of your unborn baby. DId you watch?Yes, and I laughed during it. What are your thoughts on people who have been raped having abortions?
  2. So many errors in that, it's so hard to read . Can you travel to the future and tell me what me kids name that I will obviously beat is? Also, boy or girl?Why not just abort the next one? I mean...keep killing them until its convieniant for you to have and take care of one.We didn't do it because it was 'convieniant' (). We did it because we were both in school and had jobs. Maybe when we're both done with school and have a steady job it will be 'convieniant' to have a kid. Oh really? YOu were too busy, so you killed a kid. I forgot having a kid was supposed to be easy......The kid wasn't even
  3. So many errors in that, it's so hard to read . Can you travel to the future and tell me what me kids name that I will obviously beat is? Also, boy or girl?Why not just abort the next one? I mean...keep killing them until its convieniant for you to have and take care of one.We didn't do it because it was 'convieniant' (). We did it because we were both in school and had jobs. Maybe when we're both done with school and have a steady job it will be 'convieniant' to have a kid.
  4. So many errors in that, it's so hard to read . Can you travel to the future and tell me what me kids name that I will obviously beat is? Also, boy or girl?
  5. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose. I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from som
  6. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose. I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from som
  7. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose. I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from som
  8. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose. I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from something
  9. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? Dipshit, it can't think. It literally doesn't have a mind. It's meat. The ghost hasn't entered the machine. The irony of all this religious stupidity is that the Catholic Church allowed abortion for centuries, and the Bible itself doesn't prohibit abortion, it only says Yahweh the Red knew you "while you were in the womb." It doesn't specify at what point in the gestation process the psychotic asshole "knew you." YOu are taking
  10. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? Dipshit, it can't think. It literally doesn't have a mind. It's meat. The ghost hasn't entered the machine. The irony of all this religious stupidity is that the Catholic Church allowed abortion for centuries, and the Bible itself doesn't prohibit abortion, it only says Yahweh the Red knew you "while you were in the womb." It doesn't specify at what point in the gestation process the psychotic asshole "knew you." YOu are taking
  11. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose. I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from something
  12. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose. I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from something
  13. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? Dipshit, it can't think. It literally doesn't have a mind. It's meat. The ghost hasn't entered the machine. The irony of all this religious stupidity is that the Catholic Church allowed abortion for centuries, and the Bible itself doesn't prohibit abortion, it only says Yahweh the Red knew you "while you were in the womb." It doesn't specify at what point in the gestation process the psychotic asshole "knew you." YOu are taking
  14. Aren't you 14? You probably don't even have sperm, GTFO.
  15. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose. I believe in god...and i am christian. But i dont represent them and i obvious dont paractice christianity as what im doing to you right now is agaisnt what they believe. A fetus is still a living, breathing human with a brain. Sure its not developed....but it would be. YOu were too selfish to give it the chance. YOu took life away from something
  16. Congratulations, you wasted your time finding that. I know all about this, I was there when it happened. nah it took 1 google search. 2 minutes max....8 mintures less time than it took you to kill your baby:)10 minutes > 9 months Take your pick. What a selfish, and weak person you are. Use birth control. Its more convieniant than killing babies.Birth control still does kill babies if you think about it.
  17. CAuse its still a human being. WOuld you be content with cutting the arms off a retard and thinking nothing off it? Maybe a senile old lady? Or a baby itself? An old lady is functioning, unlike a fetus. You're probably an avid Christian too I suppose.
  18. Congratulations, you wasted your time finding that. I know all about this, I was there when it happened. nah it took 1 google search. 2 minutes max....8 mintures less time than it took you to kill your baby:)10 minutes > 9 months Take your pick.
  19. I'm actually about to go heat up some babies--- I mean Chinese food.
  20. Congratulations, you wasted your time finding that. I know all about this, I was there when it happened.
  21. That's be quite amusing if he apposed stem cell research. I mean, seeing how he's so pro-life. Its like hunting. RAther shoot a deer than have someone hit one in thier car ya know?Change that to baby and that's my whole philosophy. DO you agree with child murder?Too bad this form of 'murder' is legal. If you have beef with it, go protest it with all the other fags protesting the war. With your cry baby personality you'd fit in perfectly.
  22. That's be quite amusing if he apposed stem cell research. I mean, seeing how he's so pro-life. Its like hunting. RAther shoot a deer than have someone hit one in thier car ya know?Change that to baby and that's my whole philosophy.
  23. That's be quite amusing if he apposed stem cell research. I mean, seeing how he's so pro-life.
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