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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Gamo

  1. Am I the only one who finds inhaling smoke, disgusting?:puke:

    i find it glorious

    I just hate it

    what? you fucking...gay. smoke weed. NOW

    I don't need drugs to find enjoyment in life.

    You dont need a lot of things to enjoy life.

    Vids games ..sex..w/e

    Its just a stupid thing to say. Weed makes sex feel better makes the food taste GODLY

    makes music sounds better..chills people the fuck out..makes video games more interesting ...

    You sound like a lil bitch

  2. Dont do xanax for fun


    you fiend so hardcore you find yourself moving onto other drugs

    All the people that I know that fucking take xanies have ended up drug addicts - like they bend hard on weekdays/dont go to school/work

    its fucked up no joke

    I've honestly heard that from quite a few people and i never really took it that seriously; i just figured it was a scare tactic that they would use to try and keep people from trying it (recreationally) in the first place.

    I mean I've tried ADD shit like ritalin, adderal, concerta, etc a ton of shit, and some stuff like percocets and vicodins. It's not something i do every weekend, or even every month, but there have been times where i did them in repeated successions within short time frames and overall, i have fucked around with those shits for a good amount of time; not once did i feel dependent on them, nor did i ever feel any withdrawal, and i often (usually) mixed them with decent amounts of alcohol.

    I guess xanax just must be that much more powerful (dependence wise) since, for starters, i have heard far more about it's addiction than i have for the shit that i have tried so far.

    Xanax is considered to be less physically dependant than a lot of the drugs you've already taken.

    Drugs like adderall, ritalin, percocet (oxycodone) are all schedule II substances which is only 1 rung down from a drug like, heroin, and in the same category as meth and cocaine.

    Xanax is further down the scale at schedule IV. Much lighter. Though it mostly just depends on the person.

    Petarded will swear that adderall is the most addictive shit in the world

    I can tell you from experience that opiates can be pretty addicting as well

    And you probably already know a few people who can't control their alcohol consumption

    I can take xanax and won't have to worry about addiction. Some people do. You don't really know until you're actually addicted. That's just how it goes in the world of drugs. :smug:

    I do fine with addie - but I can see myself just snorting the shit non stop if I had some around - but I have to many

    responsibilities in life to get that fucked up on drugs lol. But yeah I dont know - from what I have seen xanax seems iffy so I never tried it

  3. Dont do xanax for fun


    you fiend so hardcore you find yourself moving onto other drugs

    All the people that I know that fucking take xanies have ended up drug addicts - like they bend hard on weekdays/dont go to school/work

    its fucked up no joke

    I've honestly heard that from quite a few people and i never really took it that seriously; i just figured it was a scare tactic that they would use to try and keep people from trying it (recreationally) in the first place.

    I mean, I've tried ADD shit like ritalin, adderal, concerta, etc a ton of shit, and some stuff like percocets and vicodins. It's not something i do every weekend, or even every month, but there have been times where i did them in repeated successions within short time frames and overall, i have fucked around with those shits for a good amount of time; not once did i feel dependent on them, nor did i ever feel any withdrawal.

    I guess xanax just must be that much more powerful (dependence wise) since, for starters, i have heard far more about it's addiction than i have for the shit that i have tried so far.

    I rail addie all the time - and do other shit

    but I always stay away from xanax I just know this one guy who gets 2 fucked up

    He will do a bunch of xanax - snort coke the next day..take some more...and do E the third day..while fiending for more xanax

    its so fucked up ...how fucked up he gets...so I avoid that shit

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