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Everything posted by Snowman

  1. Yeah, I found that yesterday and been liking it too
  2. Guess it didn't work, oh well, we're all playing it and it's just the map
  3. Haven't even stepped foot in Margot's boss bridge yet Instead I got major side tracked by exploring. This game is absolutely ridiculous, there's so much high, and I'm here for it! Every time you have a goal you get side tracked into a new area I've purposely not over leveled myself, still only lvl 26 atm. Hopefully I did this right, but in the spoiler tag is my map so far
  4. Cows always win. Elden Ring best on GodStation and then GoW 2 coming later on. We stay eatin'
  5. Woke up today and my homie gifted me Elden Ring It's installing now
  6. Sadly life hasn't been kind to me these past couple years and I dunno when I'll be able to even buy / play Elden Ring, so I've been having my homies stream it and goddamn.....I mean GODDAMN, this game looks like absolute perfection. This is the game we've all been craving as Souls fans This game is so fucking MASSIVE, so much to explore, so many bosses / mini bosses, so much customization and combat options, it's honestly mind boggling! Jealous of everyone playing this, y'all enjoy
  7. I'm also glad it went for the more campiness style and felt like they embraced the fantasy side of horror a lot more. Kinda like Friday the 13th and those franchises, where you know the Jason's, the Freddy's, the Michael's aren't real, you know Leatherface isn't real either. It was still pretty fucking gritty, but it had a nice balance between the styles. I bring that up cause after the 03 TCM remake, they were full on dark n gritty mode where it felt hella real at times. But that was also the age of torture porn
  8. My sis and I just watched it, and goddamnnnnnn Yeah, it's a very lean Horror Slasher movie, one second everything is okay and then the very next second was pure fucking Chainsaw and stayed that way till the end. Lots and lots of great kills
  9. Damn, the way Ghostz keeps owning his own self is pretty impressive. "Bu bu we goes by GS here...bu bu n e ways here's the Metacritic score" TLHBFR
  10. Haven't seen the latest episode of Peacemaker yet, but it's been a banger. It's gonna progressively better and Cena surprised me with his acting. First 2 or 3 episodes felt like it had lots tonal issues, might've been just me... I'll go back and rewatch later..but if you liked the new Suicide Squad, this is more dumb fun with solid acting all around.
  11. Good God almighty... Last year watched the movie for the first time ever, heard lots about it years ago but when I sat down to watch it, I wasn't in the mood at the time. Pretty damn solid movie overall, was pleasantly surprised. Finally got around to the show last week and was hooked by the 3rd episode, wasn't anything mind blowing or really great, but was definitely engaged and enjoying it all. By the end of S1 I couldn't get enough and plowed thru S2 in a night, stayed up till 9am to finish it lmao. I was surprised by the acting and writing tbh, obvious
  12. NFL wanted to give the LA peeps a proper LA sending is my best guess why Dre and the others are performing. Fucking shame for Atlanta, that Maroon 5 was ours, yeah Big Boi made his gangsta appearance in that caddy, but he should've been the headliner. Fucking cowards. :shakes: Obviously, Andre 3 Stacks too, but he seems like he's done with the whole music thing (besides producing), hence probably why he wasn't there in the show as well. Apologies, for that rant, but I'm still a lil salty, but back on Dre...lol he's not worried about concerts and that money, he sold Beats for like 5
  13. I legit don't remember the last time I've even watched Netflix, I guess Mindhunter S2 when it aired and the first season of The Movies That Made Us. I guess, technically, Snowpiercer seasons 1 and 2 cuz I pirated them and apparently for non US countries Netflix publishes them
  14. Damn, ya boi looks good with dat long hair
  15. Amazing, Cows continue to eat
  16. And I'm sorry for his and your loss! It's insane how fast it swept the country years ago and how it still has that grasp over people, it really shows how tough addiction is to break. And nowadays with how prevalent Fent is and how everything is cut, I mean everything was cut back then too, but nowadays there's so many analogues and different synthetics you have no idea what's in what, that people still take them, it's sad and insane. You still living in Florida? I'm still here in Georgia
  17. RIP to all our loved ones and close frens we've all lost to that shit. I turned 30 in November and have been to way more funerals than I did weddings that last decade. I'm just glad I never liked the downers, else I'd probably be with them too.
  18. I always wondered the change, especially being someone from back then too. I stopped coming here cuz life happened, but I would peek my head in every now and again and see you completely shitting on Sony / or waiting on their ports. It was just weird to see, especially from Cowmij of all people. :shakes: You give a solid and reasonable answer though and as a complete casual nowadays I agree with a lot of whatcha said.. But this is SystemWars after all, so the beatings will continue, shame you joined a losing side that has you begging and waiting years for ports :shakes:
  19. I haven't kept up with Pokemon since Silver/Gold/Crystal, I'm surprised they haven't done something like that yet. But I guess when you can sell this well off name alone, who cares
  20. Good to know. When S1 aired I kept up with it until episode 5 or 6 but I think I wasn't in the mood for it at the time, I guess I'll revisit it and then watch this season
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