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Posts posted by Snowman

  1. 8 hours ago, -GD- said:

    Haha I’m on season 3 of Lucifer and it’s a drag. Still fun, but not as good as 1 or 2. I hear 4 is great.

    Yeah, Netflix did a great revival of it. Took the best parts of Lucifer and focused on those. It still had a few flaws but kinda to be expected when a show gets canceled and then picked up by another company. But overall, it was a strong season

    • Upvote 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    Its a good show but the procedural nature hurts it. There are so many episodes that just feel like filler and at 20+ episodes a season it can be a slog at times.

    Yeah that’s how I felt about S1, good season but you could definitely feel it had CBS written all over it. Didn’t really have that problem with S2, I found it more focused. And having just finished S3, I honestly loved every minute of it, felt like the team really hit their stride. 

    But I can definitely understand getting bored of the procedural nature of the show and how you know someone is gonna save the day every time at the last second gets tiresome. That was Lucifer for me. S1 the gig worked and had its moments, S2 was still enjoyable, but my god did S3 drag it’s feet. 

  3. Anyone here still listen to dubstep / electronic music anymore? I remember back in the day so many of us did. 

    Anyways, here’s a few tracks my homies made some really dope edits of. The songs are more on the chiller side but with the hip hop vocals laid on top of them makes them a lil more hype. 

    Bassnectar - Irresistible Force (DropDoc Edit)

    Bassnectar - Arps of Revolucion (DropDoc Edit)

    Bassnectar - Underwater x Gucci Mane (DJ Hippo Edit)


    Bassnectar - Timestretch x It’s A Fine Day x Poetic Justice x Hustlin’ (NYE 18/19 Edit)


    Parade Into Centuries x Pimpin’ (DJ Hippo Edit)

  4. I know I’m late as hell to this party, but the show Person Of Interest is one helluva show. Definitely worth checking it out if you haven’t already, it’s on Netflix. I started last week and finishing up S3 right now lol. 

    I had heard it back in the day but dismissed it because I thought it was just another one of those CIA / Government shows that’s on CBS.. When I looked it up on IMDB before starting it, I saw Jonathon Nolan was the main creator, the same person behind WestWorld. That did peak some interest but it was the IMDB rating / episode ratings that really sparked my interest into it.

    It has 103 episodes with an 8.4 rating, that’s honestly pretty good considering each season besides the final one had 22-23 episodes..honestly should be higher than the 8.4 rating... Then I looked at the episode ratings per season and not a single episode goes below 8.0, in fact pretty much half the episodes in each season are above 9, with many being 9.6 and up. So naturally I decided to check it out and I’m impressed by the quality of it all.

    Season 1, especially the first half, is pretty much the same run of the mill CIA / cop cable network shows we’ve all seen, but they wrap up the season strongly. S2 is where it starts picking up a lot of steam and starts to shine bright. I have 2 more episodes on S3, but this season took off the gloves and really flexed its muscles. Absolutely trilling tv. And I’ve heard it only gets better :bow:

  5. 2 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Cam Newton is a free agent. :gasp:

    The Panthers FO did him so dirty. Thankfully we don’t have to deal with him anymore, especially if he is truly healthy again. Healthy Cam with McCaffery and DJ Moore, Brady with Evans and Godwin, and Brees with Thomas and Kamara would’ve been a fucking nightmare. Still is a nightmare but at least Panthers don’t seem scary. 

    I do hope wherever Cam goes he gets to play the Panthers and completely tears them apart

  6. Spoiler

    Also also, Rhea Seehorn’s performance during that meeting where she’s about to lose her shit and breakdown after Saul’s switcharoo was brilliant and you could feel her emotions through the screen. Same with her “FUCK YOU JIMMY”. It’s up there with her going off on Howard in S4 and Chuck’s courtroom scene as some of the best performances / scenes I’ve seen. 

    Better call Saul 

  7. Spoiler


    Didn’t get to watch Saul last night but just did...and holy fuck what an episode. That entire scene with Saul showing that slander video and talking about copyright infringement was beautiful, amazing, stressful as fuck, and had you feeling terrible for Kim. Saul is terrifying as a lawyer..if you’re against him. 

    Chuck knew this could/would happen but instead of being a loving and supporting brother, like hiring him for HHM and teach him he doesn’t have to be Slippin’ Jimmy to succeed, he chose to be an asshole and fuck over Jimmy till the end. And Kim finally sees this, she saw glimpses last season but she fully understands it now. 


    Better call Saul 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

    MS abandoned japanese games, lost Call of Duty, cucked Gears of war and halo into feminist/SJW games, stopped producing games pretty much all together, and of course have 0 exclusives after they sold out to PC.


    You can tell Phil Spencer is a sick, sick Seattle SJW who has ran Xbox into the ground and remoulded it after his clearly gay image.


    360 fandom was all real, what a great console that was. :glad: 

    Haha I feel it. I was a cow back then but still played lots of 360 so I definitely agree that it was a helluva console. Life took me away from PS4 / X1 gen so I never followed up on what each were doing or played much of either. I bought a PS4 in 2015 for Bloodborne and besides that Dark Souls 3 and like 1-2 other game I haven’t gamed this gen. Then I come back here and see you completely flipped on MS, but what you just said makes sense. 

    With MS acquiring studies again and arguably has better specs, are you hopefully for the return of the great X?

  9. 2 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

    repeat of last year, everything runs worse on X. What did they do to this thing, it is designed by incompetent engineers? Doesn't bode well for SuckiesX if it's designed by the same incompetent losers than designed DoneX.


    PS5 will run multis better as well most likely.

    Was old BodyCount an act, shit posting to shit post to add fire and keep topics between 360 vs PS3 moving? :ben:  Or because MS started cutting everything and lost their way that you switched over?

  10. Just now, Ike said:

    I’d rather have them remake Umbrella Chronicles for VR than bring us an RE5 remake. RE5 is mediocre tier. The only reason it was halfway decent is because Wesker made it interesting. It was the start of the downfall for the series before RE7 made the series interesting again. 

    Haha I was mostly joking. Co-op made RE5 a great game, probably had like close to 1,000 hours in that game on PS3. :ben:  it’s the only reason I’d want a remake of it, game was fun as hell with a partner. 


    And nah RE4 was the downfall of the series, was one of the greatest games for sure but it absolutely sucked as a RE game. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, bhytre said:



    TLHBR right now


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    lmao how I’ve missed this place. Lemtre :-*

  12. 3 minutes ago, RaniK_ said:

    Are you slightly perturbed that the ps5 is significantly weaker than the new xbawks? Be honest. :fella:

    Yeah but it all comes down to pricing and if Sony’s move to focus on the I/O speed and higher clock speeds come to mean anything significant. Will be interesting to see once they’re both out but i suppose it’s fair to say TCHBR right now. 

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