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Angry Mike

System Warrior
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Angry Mike last won the day on January 15 2014

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About Angry Mike

  • Rank
    Adriel Jeremiah
  • Birthday 1989-10-31

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  1. DC my boy, you are truly unhinged these days. So sad.
  2. Damn, son, where do you find the time? I'm so jelly ;( Last week was syllabus week. No homework or anything that took me longer than an hr or so. But I'm takin 20 hrs this semester so that shits stopping like now lul. That's why I really gotta cut back on it. I'm done wit my reading/hmwk for the day and I'm trying to refrain from playing it lmao
  3. Persona 4 Golden >>>>> At the 40 hr mark and I got the PSP on Thursday. Trying to take a break from it for at least a couple of days. But I would be a liar if I didn't tell you it's all that I fucking think about lmao
  4. Fun for the first few hours...But after that its pretty average. I'd say wait a bit if you got X Com already having the better game might satisfy you enough till AC is a bit lower. Yeah, that's what I'm deciding on. Not to mention I currently have a game rotation going on of KOTOR, BF4, and Hector. Not mentioning Xcom. Shit will probably be 20 bucks somewhere next weekend.
  5. Didn't end up getting it. Looked meh. Getting Enemy Within now tho.
  6. So...is AC4 worth say...40 bucks? I wanna know. Thinking about getting it. Buying X Com now tho
  7. Your favorite Castlevania game is Soul Calibur 4? Now that just doesn't make any sense.
  8. I agree 100% TB. Gonna continue my playthrough now. Been juggling ME1 and KOTOR.
  9. Think I'm about to beat Arkham origins. Anyone know if the game lets you hang around and do stuff after the games over? Btw, game is fun, but the city just feels like a cheap imitation of the city in AC. I miss the helicopters goin around. And crimes and stuff goin on that truly looked random. Here it's pretty much the same dudes at the same spots every time you pass it. Kinda annoying. But...oh well. I enjoy the combat. With all the diff combos and enemy attacks comin at you, it's really nice when you string together a reaaaaallyong combo
  10. I don't know about all these issues, but I'm having a blast with BF4. Haven't been kicked in like 2 days or so and that was a punkbuster thing
  11. Fuck man BF4 is so intense. Just had a CRAZY game. Dope hardcore conquest server. I have gotten a lot better, and I'm unlocking weapons. The second demolitions gun I unlocked is my go-to now. Actually pretty fucking powerful and not bad on accuracy. I was raping people with a dude in my tank. Hed an epic series of battles with a Helicopter. We kept crossing paths while we were heading to each others base, but he always slipped away from me until probably when they had around 50 tickets and I caught him slipping as I saw him going to another base across the map. Just fucking fantastic shit. I l
  12. It's picked up a lot. Just got past the blank origin stuff. The segment with blank was just Nice spoilers, asshole.... Anyways, near the end of Mass Effect 3 and I have to say this game is kind of meh and that feeling may change if the ending is as bad as people say it is. I have to say Mass Effect 2 is way better than this game in every aspect.
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