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Angry Mike

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Angry Mike

  1. Shut up bishThere was nothing technically outstanding about Skyward Sword, as nice as it looked. Just educating. Lettuce be cereal, it's a GameCube game. It looks damn good for a GameCube game
  2. The Skyward Cortana bitch is pretty annoying. She literally hasn't told me a single piece of information worth knowing
  3. The controls are alright I guess. Not a big issue for me. I'm just a lazy ass gamer, so it kinda irks me when I gotta move around, even the slightest bit, to play a game. But ill deal with it. This game is what I need right now
  4. This game is gorgeous, peeps. I dunno how they did it on that tech. But it's a pretty ass game
  5. how long till u get lifted again ? Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2 I don't even know breh. I'm just done worrying about it. Should be any day now, but fuck, who knows. Btw, it's embarrassing how Nintendo doesn't have voice acting for shit like Zelda now. Christ man
  6. Lmao Sabatage's playthroughs are some of the most entertaining shit I read on here. Always good stuff. Well I'm playing Skyward Sword. Got the day off so besides checking out apartments, I'll be doing this all day. I love the lazyish music. This game is on some serious Avatar steez right now though lol
  7. Apparently I'm fucking up cause all my peeps feelin negative bout me
  8. I feel like after tonight I'll never play it again. One of those games
  9. Bro, I was so close to buying a Vita today at GameStop. I had to literally pull myself away and GTFO of there.
  10. Nah. I'm not there yet. I'm waitin till I get off probation till I play NiNokuni again cause I wanna smokes the ganja
  11. i highly recommend going the stealth route and using pistols as your primary weapon type. Will take into consideration. Thanks man. I usually always go stealth in games anyways
  12. Just bought Alpha Protocol for 5 bucks and a bottle of Jameson. I hope this game is entertaining.
  13. did you already finish Ni No Kuni? is the ending good? no spoilers dawg Nah, just taking a break from it. I'm at a point where I think I beat a boss before I really had any business doing it, so the next section is hard as fuck. Gotta grind a little bit, so decided to take a break so it didn't wear on me
  14. Replaying God of War 3. Game is still gorgeous. I still think the game was underrated by this forum. I love this shit though.
  15. Lmao. Same. I'm giving the game a break for a little while. The AI is kind of really retarded, but I still pretty much love the game. Just...spending some time away from itI, no shit, just got interrupted in an attack by Drippy telling me to use the attack he had just interrupted me using. Still cost MP and shit. WTF But yeah the game's still likeable but damn it could have been way better This has happened to me multiple times. Like, bro, not my first fucking RPG. But yeah, Esther's AI literally makes me want to cut my wrists. Just using up all her goddamn MP against retarded muhfuckas
  16. Lmao. Same. I'm giving the game a break for a little while. The AI is kind of really retarded, but I still pretty much love the game. Just...spending some time away from it
  17. that game didnt click with me for some reason, the shooting is nice, the world looks aight, its a quality game, but for some reason it never clicked with me It's boring. Nothing stands out. Just a generic mess Funny how that's exactly how I'd describe Enslaved. A game you certainly endorsed . A game that many people here liked. Only people who enjoyed Rage are you and GD. Game is ass
  18. that game didnt click with me for some reason, the shooting is nice, the world looks aight, its a quality game, but for some reason it never clicked with me It's boring. Nothing stands out. Just a generic mess
  19. Lmao. I'm about to just duck around and knock out side missions city by city.
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