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Angry Mike

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Angry Mike

  1. Told ya Seriously, its fantastic. they're just not that good breh. At least AC3. I'm mostly waiting till I get off probation in the next week or so. But...yeah.
  2. Dude, pretty sure I'm incapable of finishing games. I stopped playing Dishonored, Darksiders 2, and AC3. I just couldn't play anymore. Mehhh
  3. Somehow my TWD ge saves got corrupted or something... Think I have to start it all the way over. Or re download the game or something. Fucking sucks. Currently taking a break from XCOM and Borderlands 2. Playing BLOPS 2 and Forza Horizon. Horizon is faaaaaanastic. I love this game
  4. I absolutely love Goldson's game. He brings that fucking timber when he tackles. He's like a Taylor Mays that realizes he's actually supposed to be playing football, and not just killing people indiscriminately
  5. This. She's responding out of courtesy and because she's obviously a nice girl. If she was interested in the slightest, she would have mentioned something else going on in her life like most girls do. Instead you guys are talking only about video games, she's wondering if thats all you fucking do, and praying that you forget her number. I suggest you go ahead and do that. Learn from your mistakes.
  6. Damn. I might just rock a nappy ass fro till the summer then
  7. I'm growin mah hair out. Last haircut was probably a month and a half ago, but my hair grows fast as shit. Just aiming for the fro right now, but think Imma keep that shit growing for quite some time. Possibly get dreads. We'll see. Doing a bit of an image makeover right now.
  8. Just finished The Walking Dead ep 3 last night. Holy shit @ the amount of peeps that died that episode. I'm worried about Clementine. About to go pick up Dishonored in an hour or so
  9. Why was this creepy fuck just casually browsing motherless anyways. I mean, if ya bitch on youporn, okay. She probably got compensated and tested n shit. But motherless? Fucking motherless? She probably got a booty full of cum, cigarette burns, and the clap
  10. Yeah..good story...but for now..I'm callin ducktales. Don't believe it, brabra. I need to see text follow ups n what not
  11. So...how's Borderlands 2, people? Thinking of picking up next week. Never got too into the original. Didn't really have the time to
  12. LOL. This thread is laffs. Why my nigga cooking salad though? I mean...the fuck.
  13. ' Really? Nobody here said they played it on Xbox? I'll probably pick it up when I get paid next week. Having fun with COD, but I'd like to blow some shit up too. Feel like I'm kinda slowly getting back into gaming right now.
  14. I like how if you pause the game in a cutscene in Darksiders 2, it cuts back to the beginning of that person's line. I remember playing TW2 and if you paused it, it would actualy just completely skip that line you were on. Shit was so stupid lol
  15. Because this dude rocks blue steel in every picture and is absolutely in love with himself Because you're a jealous hater. Lolwut. I don't hate on another mans looks, you homo. Just sayin this nigga has 1 look. He's like a black dude when he takes pictures.
  16. Because this dude rocks blue steel in every picture and is absolutely in love with himself
  17. Yeah, kinda look like a homo, black hand. But thats okay. We still think you're...okay
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