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Angry Mike

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Angry Mike

  1. Lmao wtf? Galaxy 2 and SM3DL are some of the freshest Marios and platfomers in general. I couldn't even finish Galaxy. Boring as fuck.
  2. Mario games all feel dated to me. BTW, playing Ghost Recon. Game is boring.
  3. When I feel like it. I'll be honest I've only dabbled with Metroid as a series. I'd like to start with Super Metroid first though. ....You've never played Super Metroid? You're not a real gamer. Officially.
  4. lmao. wow. im surprised you've never played them. Go play MP1 right NOW. Game is a classic.
  5. I'm glad you agree It's MP3:C what kind of Metroid fan are you? I actually hated the primes I own all three and have never touched them. Seriously?
  6. Just picked up a rental of Ghost Recon. I may get too drunk before I decide to play it though. Banking on starting in the AM
  7. I saw 2 TVs in MP3 and I only played halfway through the game. One was in chapter 4 in either Max's apartment or the crazy guy's apartment. The other was in chapter 5 in one of the warehouses. It was all in spanish though I'm pretty sure.
  8. She still a lesbian. One that's practice MMA and wins medals Oh. Well why you gotta scare me with the MMA shit? Nigga, I didn't say rape. BTW...whats your bro's deal? Like...I feel like I need to know his story like what? ...nevermind nah son, talk Alright. He's fat, bro. Why's he so fat? You look to be in shape. Your hot lesbian sister does MMA and shit. Do him and Precious spend their days going to buffets or something? Like...whats going on there? What's his deal? He doesn't fit in. Square peg round hole
  9. She still a lesbian. One that's practice MMA and wins medals Oh. Well why you gotta scare me with the MMA shit? Nigga, I didn't say rape. BTW...whats your bro's deal? Like...I feel like I need to know his story like what? ...nevermind
  10. She still a lesbian. One that's practice MMA and wins medals Oh. Well why you gotta scare me with the MMA shit? Nigga, I didn't say rape. BTW...whats your bro's deal? Like...I feel like I need to know his story
  11. Wow. Didn't know you were related to Precious. BTW, is your sis still a lesbian? Or am I just thinking that cause she grew her hair out? Cause I'd totally hit.
  12. lmao. sure you don't, buddy. im sure there's a good many things about you that are just....off.
  13. Nigga just cheat. lmao. I'm SURE that game has some cheat codes or something. BTW, where the fuck did all the cheat codes go this gen? That shit could add hours and hours of more fun onto a game.
  14. Chapter 6 right after it was nuts also. Reminded me of that burning level in UC3 for real. The game has a great story mode.
  15. Fez is so addicting. I just wanna find all the shit. Never really been this into a puzzler. Surprised at some of the shit I've figured out
  16. They don't live like any sort of open world/explore type shit, do they? I'm not a big fan of straight up racing. Cars, in general, bore the fuck out of me.
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