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Angry Mike

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Angry Mike

  1. Keep that dumb shit out of this thread, Jonny. This is a sacred place, and any fanboy stupidity sends your ass on vacation.

    And I don't care how much the original is on SNES. That's just because its a rare ass game. I'm not a collector though. I'm just a gamer. And a goddamn 20 yr old SNES game shouldn't be 10 bucks.

    you just spent 15 dollars on a 10 year old ps2 game :|I spent 5 dollars on an HD remake of a 10 yr old ps2 game :|

    You see, Sony and Microsoft aren't perpetually trying to bone their customers so they have "deals" and "sales".Keep that dumb fanboy shit out of this thread, Mikey :ben:

    Anyway Earthbound is well worth 10 bucks imo, especially since it was never released over here in Europe. I've been loving the game so far. I've owned every Nintendo console since birth. What I'm saying is truth. They keep their first party games full price for a ridiculous amount of time. Ill prob end up buying it today since you co-signed it though. Never played it

    You fuckers are really making me consider a 3DS though.

    Normally Id agree with you, because the prices of VC games can still feel inflated, but I give Earthbound the exception for costing a little more because this is a game I've been waiting to legitimately own since I was a kid.

    Why? What type of game is it? Is it a RPG? Turn based? Sell me on this shit. 10 aint much but I don't feel like wasting it.

  2. Keep that dumb shit out of this thread, Jonny. This is a sacred place, and any fanboy stupidity sends your ass on vacation.

    And I don't care how much the original is on SNES. That's just because its a rare ass game. I'm not a collector though. I'm just a gamer. And a goddamn 20 yr old SNES game shouldn't be 10 bucks.

    you just spent 15 dollars on a 10 year old ps2 game :|I spent 5 dollars on an HD remake of a 10 yr old ps2 game :|

    You see, Sony and Microsoft aren't perpetually trying to bone their customers so they have "deals" and "sales".

    Keep that dumb fanboy shit out of this thread, Mikey :ben:

    Anyway Earthbound is well worth 10 bucks imo, especially since it was never released over here in Europe. I've been loving the game so far.

    I've owned every Nintendo console since birth. What I'm saying is truth. They keep their first party games full price for a ridiculous amount of time. Ill prob end up buying it today since you co-signed it though. Never played it

    You fuckers are really making me consider a 3DS though.

  3. Keep that dumb shit out of this thread, Jonny. This is a sacred place, and any fanboy stupidity sends your ass on vacation.

    And I don't care how much the original is on SNES. That's just because its a rare ass game. I'm not a collector though. I'm just a gamer. And a goddamn 20 yr old SNES game shouldn't be 10 bucks.

    you just spent 15 dollars on a 10 year old ps2 game :| I spent 5 dollars on an HD remake of a 10 yr old ps2 game :|

    You see, Sony and Microsoft aren't perpetually trying to bone their customers so they have "deals" and "sales".

  4. SOTC is dope. Ok my way to the 3rd Colossi then a break to go see Pacific Rim. This game must have been mind blowing to play when it first came out.

    didnt play it but i was watching a friend playing it for a few hours and i couldnt believe how amazing it was :ben:

    some collosi made my skin crawl , i think the reason i didnt play it back then was cause i was afraid a bit lol

    i bought it on psn though so ill give it a try in a couple of months

    Pretty much the same here lol. But it's a rush taking these fuckers down and I just only beat the third one. Took me like 30-40 mins. The scale of this game, especially for back then, is nuts

  5. Yeah mike, farcry is pretty insane. though I keep wandering around instead of doing the campaign. I just love how open and beautiful the island is. The game has incredible visuals on ultra.

    Though I need to wrap up tlou, and then finally shift to pc completely. I love that game and I want to see how it all ends.

    The fuck are you doing, mate? :|

    Finish TLOU. Do it. And yah, I get sidetracked in FC3 pretty easily. I might be riding down to capture a base and the next thing I know I'm hang gliding trying to land on some niggas boats. So much freedom

  6. tomb raider, beginning sucks absolute dick with the QTEs but it got quite alright now

    Oh yeah, the beginning is ass cheeks. But it opens up so beautifully later. Top 5 game of the gen for me.

    And GD, stick with Far Cry 3! So much to do. So much amazingness. God, I love that fucking game.

    I recently bought the ratchet games on PSN for cheap because why not. Never played them. So started off with the first. Game is seriously fun and, strangely, I find it fairly pretty to look at. Just a happy colorful little game.

    Will be playing Shadow of the Colossus after this. Hope it lives up to the hype

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